For the love of writing and the love of telling people what I think, I have come back to my old blog. Previously known as Jacquie's Deep thoughts I am revamping it to create Mommy Mouse Clubhouse. I am so excited to jump back into blogging!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Something that has been bothering me
So I was listening to the radio the other day and a commercial came on for 9/11 Help Day. At first I thoguht, "Well that's kind of cool you can help out and turn the bad day into good", but then I got to thinking. As the commercial continues it is people saying, "Today I will go up to a firefighter and say thank you." or "Today I will donate blood" stuff like that. That got me to thinking maybe 9/11 Help Day is well for lack of a better word Crap. Why does there have to be a tragedy for someone to care? I don't understand needing a special day to say thank you to someone who does their job 365 days a year not just on the anniversary of a tragedy. Please dont read this wrong and think I am saying 9/11 was not terrible, it was, but I just dont understand the concept of being a good person one day a year. Why is it people think they can just go about their lives everyday not really caring about the firefighters or donating blood, helping that older man across the street, ect. but if you do it ONE day a year you are a good person?? And you deserve a pat on the back for that?? That is like saying I spend my week stealing, lying and beating people up but I go to Church on Sunday so Im a Christain?!?!? WHAT! What has this world come to that we need reasons to do good? Don't get me wrong I am all for volenteering and joining together to remember a day, I myself do it once a year to make the day of my school shooting as positive as I can, however I also try to do those things when it is not the anniversary too! I just don't understand...mabe I am so off, maybe someone will read this and be so upset and explode at me but I just don't understand. Today do me a favor, while you are out in your world, out in your day, Do a Random Act of Kindness without a reason, without a purpose except to make that person happy, without expecting a pat on the back, Go tell a firefighter or police officer thank you...let me know if that feels better then doing it for the pat on the back or the reason. I feel like this world needs a change, Not this counrty, THIS WORLD! Lets be the change! Now I sound cheesy but hopefully my point is getting accross. Have a great Wednesday and God Bless all of the souls lost on 9/11 and any other tragedy, now go an respect those people with your actions EVERYDAY not just on the anniversary of their death.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Saying "I love you"
So I have been thinking about soemthing latly and I guess now with the blog up again this is the place to voice that. One of the guys i went to High School with recently lost his brother. I'm not sure what happened all i know is that he was the same age as my brother, and he passed away on August 9th. This post is not about him it is more about the after effect. I don't know if this is going to come out politically correct for that I appologize in advance. I want to know why people that "love" others so much come out of the wood work after so long or more then that people that really never knew someone come out and have all these emotions when someone is lost. It is like saying I saw you once in passing in the hallway and now Im devistated that you passed away. Is this coming out the way I want it to? Im not sure.
I guess what I am trying to say is at my funeral I hope I am surrounded by people who i knew when I was alive loved me and not a bunch of people who love me now that I am gone. Like when I die Ihope the person who bullied me in high school doesn't show up saying "Man I'm gonna miss her" Why do people hide behind tragedy? The other thought I had was, I wonder if all the people who are saying "I love you and I will miss you" now said it to the person when they were alive? Life is so short, just so short and it blows me away every day to know that you never will know the last time you will kiss your husband or hug your kids. It may be obsesive but I tell my husband I love you before I get off the phone with him, EVERY TIME! I tell my son I love you every chance I get if I love you, I really hope I show it to you. But do all people do that? i guess what I am trying to say in a, i'll be the first to admit it, not so gentle way is life is short and you shoudl hold the people you love close and tell them they matter. Leave the ones you didn't know well to grieve for the ones they held close and remember that every day, every hour, every minute and down to every second is precious. I Love you, I mean it and I say it...I Love You!
welcome back
I know that after 3 years of silence re-opening a blog seems a bit silly, but to me it is a place to share my thoughts and maybe my wisdom, get advise and if nothing else, when my son is driving me nuts and my husband is at work I have a place to turn and let it all out.
So as a first blog back I suppose maybe catching up on the past 3 years is something I should do first. So in a nutshell, the last post I had just found out Christian was on his way, boy does that seem like yesterday and then I turn and look at my 2 and a half year old son sitting on the couch and can't believe it sometimes. Where did the time go? When did that little blip on the screen of the ultrasound machine (known as froggy) become a baby boy and when did that baby boy become something I could hold? and when did I blink and that little tiny 7 pound 6 ounce baby boy become a 3 foot tall 30 pound 2.5 year old who talks back and tells me no? When did "I said no" become "but yes mommy!" Crazy!
After Christian was born Grandma passed away and that sucked but she is an will always be my super hero! Paul Proposed and we got married. Paul and I moved off the mountain and into the (bleh) city! Paul got a new job where he makes great money and I got an AMAZING job making great money and best of all doing what I love. Which I should inform peopl, is no longer what I thought I would do with my life. I fell in love with marketing and am now a marketing and Events cordinator for a small local marketing agency. So that is the nutshell and a few pics for you. next post will be soemthing actually meaningful! but for now to you and to me Welcome back to "Jacquie's Deep Thoughts" now known as "Mommy Mouse Clubhouse"
becoming mommy,
me me me,
my wild life,
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