Mommy Mouse Clubhouse
For the love of writing and the love of telling people what I think, I have come back to my old blog. Previously known as Jacquie's Deep thoughts I am revamping it to create Mommy Mouse Clubhouse. I am so excited to jump back into blogging!!!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Finding the Glass Half Full Attitude
It is no secret that in the past month my life has found...how to put this...an all time low. Last week we were evicted from our home of 2 years and the following Tuesday I was let go from my job at Fun City. I found myself in the bathroom of my brother- in-laws home, curled up in a ball, weeping. How did my life become this? I am better then this. On the verge of a nervous breakdown, my amazing husband walked in. Except instead of holding me and coddling me, he looked at me and said, "Honey, I love you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself!" At first my shock was evident followed by my anger. How dare he speak to me like this! I mean I am crying here! When the pure shock of his response faded I looked at him and said, "Your right." From that point on I was done. There had to be a reason for all of this! I believe with all my heart, my Grandma Anita is brewing a plan in Heaven. From that point on everything was happening for a reason. I have since sent in close to 200 resumes, in literally every state I have ever wanted to live in. After all we have nothing truly holding us to Colorado. I am so ready to start fresh! After a week I have had several interviews but the best news came last night when I got a phone interview for a Social Media Director IN CALIFORNIA! I feel in my heart this is where my family is meant to be! I have not stopped sending resumes but my hope level is rising. Today, we found a way to visit the Zoo for free so we packed up monkey and off we went. I must say that, aside from a nasty sunburn, I got everything I
have been needing for a month. So here I am, fresh from the Zoo, nice (and painful) sunburn and smiling. Everything in this life has a reason and although I may not always know what it is, my glass half full attitude will never let me give up again!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Something that has been bothering me
So I was listening to the radio the other day and a commercial came on for 9/11 Help Day. At first I thoguht, "Well that's kind of cool you can help out and turn the bad day into good", but then I got to thinking. As the commercial continues it is people saying, "Today I will go up to a firefighter and say thank you." or "Today I will donate blood" stuff like that. That got me to thinking maybe 9/11 Help Day is well for lack of a better word Crap. Why does there have to be a tragedy for someone to care? I don't understand needing a special day to say thank you to someone who does their job 365 days a year not just on the anniversary of a tragedy. Please dont read this wrong and think I am saying 9/11 was not terrible, it was, but I just dont understand the concept of being a good person one day a year. Why is it people think they can just go about their lives everyday not really caring about the firefighters or donating blood, helping that older man across the street, ect. but if you do it ONE day a year you are a good person?? And you deserve a pat on the back for that?? That is like saying I spend my week stealing, lying and beating people up but I go to Church on Sunday so Im a Christain?!?!? WHAT! What has this world come to that we need reasons to do good? Don't get me wrong I am all for volenteering and joining together to remember a day, I myself do it once a year to make the day of my school shooting as positive as I can, however I also try to do those things when it is not the anniversary too! I just don't understand...mabe I am so off, maybe someone will read this and be so upset and explode at me but I just don't understand. Today do me a favor, while you are out in your world, out in your day, Do a Random Act of Kindness without a reason, without a purpose except to make that person happy, without expecting a pat on the back, Go tell a firefighter or police officer thank you...let me know if that feels better then doing it for the pat on the back or the reason. I feel like this world needs a change, Not this counrty, THIS WORLD! Lets be the change! Now I sound cheesy but hopefully my point is getting accross. Have a great Wednesday and God Bless all of the souls lost on 9/11 and any other tragedy, now go an respect those people with your actions EVERYDAY not just on the anniversary of their death.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Saying "I love you"
So I have been thinking about soemthing latly and I guess now with the blog up again this is the place to voice that. One of the guys i went to High School with recently lost his brother. I'm not sure what happened all i know is that he was the same age as my brother, and he passed away on August 9th. This post is not about him it is more about the after effect. I don't know if this is going to come out politically correct for that I appologize in advance. I want to know why people that "love" others so much come out of the wood work after so long or more then that people that really never knew someone come out and have all these emotions when someone is lost. It is like saying I saw you once in passing in the hallway and now Im devistated that you passed away. Is this coming out the way I want it to? Im not sure.
I guess what I am trying to say is at my funeral I hope I am surrounded by people who i knew when I was alive loved me and not a bunch of people who love me now that I am gone. Like when I die Ihope the person who bullied me in high school doesn't show up saying "Man I'm gonna miss her" Why do people hide behind tragedy? The other thought I had was, I wonder if all the people who are saying "I love you and I will miss you" now said it to the person when they were alive? Life is so short, just so short and it blows me away every day to know that you never will know the last time you will kiss your husband or hug your kids. It may be obsesive but I tell my husband I love you before I get off the phone with him, EVERY TIME! I tell my son I love you every chance I get if I love you, I really hope I show it to you. But do all people do that? i guess what I am trying to say in a, i'll be the first to admit it, not so gentle way is life is short and you shoudl hold the people you love close and tell them they matter. Leave the ones you didn't know well to grieve for the ones they held close and remember that every day, every hour, every minute and down to every second is precious. I Love you, I mean it and I say it...I Love You!
welcome back
I know that after 3 years of silence re-opening a blog seems a bit silly, but to me it is a place to share my thoughts and maybe my wisdom, get advise and if nothing else, when my son is driving me nuts and my husband is at work I have a place to turn and let it all out.
So as a first blog back I suppose maybe catching up on the past 3 years is something I should do first. So in a nutshell, the last post I had just found out Christian was on his way, boy does that seem like yesterday and then I turn and look at my 2 and a half year old son sitting on the couch and can't believe it sometimes. Where did the time go? When did that little blip on the screen of the ultrasound machine (known as froggy) become a baby boy and when did that baby boy become something I could hold? and when did I blink and that little tiny 7 pound 6 ounce baby boy become a 3 foot tall 30 pound 2.5 year old who talks back and tells me no? When did "I said no" become "but yes mommy!" Crazy!
After Christian was born Grandma passed away and that sucked but she is an will always be my super hero! Paul Proposed and we got married. Paul and I moved off the mountain and into the (bleh) city! Paul got a new job where he makes great money and I got an AMAZING job making great money and best of all doing what I love. Which I should inform peopl, is no longer what I thought I would do with my life. I fell in love with marketing and am now a marketing and Events cordinator for a small local marketing agency. So that is the nutshell and a few pics for you. next post will be soemthing actually meaningful! but for now to you and to me Welcome back to "Jacquie's Deep Thoughts" now known as "Mommy Mouse Clubhouse"
becoming mommy,
me me me,
my wild life,
Thursday, August 27, 2009
How I found out
Well It was about 4 weeks ago...I was feeling sick and thought i was about 4 days late. I could feel it, i just knew it something was diffrent. After talking to my friend Amanda we decided to hang out at her house for the night. before heading to Amandas I stopped at Safeway picking up the basics for a sleepover...chips, a movie, sparkling water and... an at home pregnancy test. When i got there she was standing at the top of the stairs. i threw the chips at her then the water and the movie and last but now least with a little look I threw her the test. She looked at me in disbelief..."what? um what is this?" I just looked up at her and said, "Im late" She looked in disbelief at me, "Well go take it!" "I dont have to pee" She smiled and we headed to the kitchen. As we started cooking dinner she looked at me with pleading eyes and said, "OMG Jacquie go take it! i want to know if your pregnant." I smiled and said okay. Heading up the stairs i was terrified, A baby? I always wanted to be a mom but was this the time...no! I finally calmed myself saying if it happens it was meant to happen. I took the test and set it down going back downstairs and honestly coming back upstairs 5 minutes later I never expected my life was about to change forever. All Amanda heard was OH....MY.....GOD! She came running up stairs to see me about pass out she grabbed the test and staired at it and then me. maybe its wrong...or broken....you take one! I looked at her with pleading eyes! She agreed and we went downstairs she went into the other bathroom as she squated. she came out and said, nope not broken mine is negative, as We both knew it would be. there was one more test. Let me eat and ill take it! ok...We finished eating and I went into the bathroom this time refusing to be the one to look first. Amanda being the amazing friend she is went in first. She came out test in hand this time the test had take one minute flat I was definitly going to have a baby.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Light the night Walk 2009
hey guys I have been working my butt off to promote this Walk. Team Ayden is going to be bigger and better and just as amazing as ever this year! September 12, 2009 CU Boulder! Walk for Ayden and love the closeness! email me for any questions and watch this video for the reason why you should log onto www.lightthenight.org search team ayden and sign up to walk today!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
i dont have much to report and even if I did it would be a boring blog all about me and although I know you all LOVE ;) to read about me! I thought instead I would share something with you. I heard a song today and I think I heard it before when I was younger but now it really speaks to me! I am going to post the video below really just stop your busy day for 5 minutes and play it. I think it is such a powerful song and I think if you all stop to listen to the words and the message it will have the same impact on you. i love you all. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hey all Jacquie here back in action! Life has been so completly hectic that I have not been able to do anything! So here goes nothing.
Well Lets start with I no longer live in Greeley. After the break up with Nick it was decided that we are better apart and by apart i mean as ar as possible. It seems that after four years together the connection and the friendship has just disinigrated into the nastiest most educational breakup o my life. Kinda sad but that is how the cookie crumbles. My theory...new city, new job, new apartment, new start! So that is what I plan to do, new start!

In the mean time Paul and I are coming up on dating for three months and I am very happy. I am not jumping into it head first as I did have a breakup from hell like 6 months ago. Still he makes me happy and has a way of calming me down! I feel great talking to him and really should that suprise me he was a friend for four years and near the end there one of the best friends I had, my only allie if you will. Anyway I am very happy!
The new area currently is Bailey, dun dun dun. I have discovered over the last year however that I do love the small town atmosphere but it is nice to be closer then an hour from something fun! The plan is to stay here with mom until i get on my feet. I have already found a wonderful job as a nanny for a women that is just so sweet! She has four kids, Heileigh, Kyleigh, Langdley, and Landry. I got to go to the hospital when Landry was not even 24 hours old and he is so sweet! Heileigh is 14 and a sweetheart I think her and I will have fun together, she said she just does not fit in with the cant break a nail with out crying yuppies she lives near so I already like her! Kyleigh is 10 and just like sean, hard headed and sweet but if you say we are going to the pool at noon at 12:01 she will ask why we are not going to the pool=) Then there is Langdley, She is 2 and a mom's girl i found her sound asleep in shelby's lap as shelby held the baby very cute! But she is easy laid back tell me where we are going Im in kind! Then Landry is now umm 4 days old and a sweet baby.

On that they live in Lone Tree so I will be looking for an apartment near c-470 and broadway or I-25 and Lincoln one of the two. I am soooo excited for a new adventure!
As far as school goes I AM DONE with my first year!!!! I finished with a steady 3.8 GPA and I am so excited to say that wait...3.8!!! I will be taking online courses online at AIMS telaeducationing if you will for about a year and then I am looking at either DU or even doing the comute to UNC we will see!!! UCCS is also an option so lots of things to think about but i think that is one of my favorite parts of the new adventure...everything i mean everything is diffrent!
As for recently, I got to spend monday with Sean having a cheer up sean day. One of his friends passed away on saturday so I took him bowling and to the ZOO it was alot of fun and by the end of the day I had found my little brothers smile!
As for Jazmine she is so happy to have a friend to play with and mommy (me mommy) is soo happy to have a tired puppy at night! She is my angel and my baby and she is growing and growing! Now weighing in at 45 pounds she is perfect. I wish she would get bigger but maybe this baby is supposed to be little. Her husky shows more and more everyday and you very rarely get to see the Pyraneese in her. Her eys however have develpoed a one of each type. I read that huskys have hige pupils and pyraneese about normal jazzi has an eye of each! It is very cool! I have also discovered that she can eat chocolate, the vet said if she likes it and it does not make her sick then she can have it and guess what...just like Bruno she seems
ammuned to chocolate. So with Bruno we shared Hersey kisses, one for you one for me with Jazz it is m&m's she LOVES the things! Maybe Bruno did give her to me after all=)
Well I am off to go work on my special project for grandma Anita for mothers day! It is gonna be AMAZING!!!
I will try to keep you all more updated! And have a great rest of your week!!
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