Well Friday night just happened and it was a blast. in attempts to get back to a social butterfly I have been making friends with some of my Co-workers. Well driving home from work the other night I saw a big sign it read "Community night...July 18 at 7 pm Chris Daniels and the Kings" Well That was it for me i was off on friday night and mom and Dad constintly have told me how much Chris Daniels Rocks so without hesitation I went to work. I texted Myriah, Guber, Kyle, Danielle, Mark and Tyler We had to go to this it would be a blast! None of them had ever heard of it but Myriah Jumped right on it she brought along two friends, to my sadness though Danielle was in Denver with her Family, Mark and Tyler had to work and Guber had plans with his girlfriend. Kyle just never texted back. So After alot of talking i had Tyler convinced after work he would come to my place and we would have a BBQ with everyone. Well as the night weared on the concert was AMAZING! (mom you were so right I LOVE THEM!) We played Frisbee and danced and just had a blast. i texted nick at work and warned him people were coming back to the house and we were having a BBQ! So Myriah and Jessica came back to the house with me and we turned on music and had a blast. Tyler called at like 10 and he sadly forgot he had plans with anouther friend but to count him in on the next fun time. I will hold you to that! So Nick got home we ate Chicken and watermelon and it was so much fun we sat on the back porch for hours laughing and talking and when the sprinklers came on we moved inside and by 2 AM i said goodbye to myraih and jessica and headed to bed. it is so nice meeting all of these new poeple! I love you all and I am so glad to meet you all and have you in my circle of friends. Thank you to Tyler and Mark, While Nick and I are on Vacation Sean is coming to the house to house watch for us and Tyler and Mark so kindly gave up there phone numbers just in case Sean needs ANYTHING! Thank you guys you took that weight off my shoulders! You are the Best!