So for post 100 I was going to just say the biggest news of all but there has been alot going on so I guess i will tell the three things that happened in my life lately. First of all Big news...Skittlz is going to have babies!!! We found out that she is three weeks prego and i think we are excited! I guess things happen and so Skittlz is gonna have her babies and we are excited for her! she is already pretty round and her nipples are pocking out and if you feel her tummy you can feel the babies already! It is so cool!
On Saturday night Paul and me and Stasia all ventured out to The coolest bar in town. It is called the Island Grill it is in Downtown greeley and it is a place to be. One of my friends from work plays in a band and they are so good and they were playing there on saturday! it was so much fun We danced and danced all night long. We came home at around one and went to bed as I had to work in the morning. But that was okay becasue the night was full of fun! Paul and I have been getting closer and truly enjoying our friendship! I did not realize there was so much there between us but it is a great thing and he is a FANTASTIC person! I think we are going to stay close.
Sunday i had to work but when I got off Paul and i decided to load up into his car and pay a visit to bailey! it was so nice to go there and see everyone! i had not been home in about a month so it was so great to just hang out. The boys and i played Life and paul hung out getting to know the boys better we watched a movie and then he headed over to see his family. monday i got up and went to school with Joh! What better way to spend time with my little brother. i volenteered and helped and even got to teach two classes for his teacher! in the end we rode the bus home togther as Paul had his car and sissy didnt have hers with her. it was okay though we walked home and spent time togther before sissy headed to HIYA with mommy and the boys! I love watching them but i am a litle scared of how bad they could hurt me lol. Anyways That is it On monday night Paul and I packed up and headed back to Greeley and now i am going to go swimming with my girls before heading out to work at 5:30! Ahhh i love being in college and being young and guess what....HAVING FUN!!!