Okay so it has been like forever since I posted, opps my bad sorry. Well Where to start? Okay on Friday I finished school to get a phone call from mom asking me to pick Josh up and take him toTracys and then go to Greeley as complicatios had led to mom pointing minnie toward Vegas to see daddy...this included EASTER!!! I hesitated then relized if that is what she had to do I had to let her...I am a big girl now! I got Josh and Ran home so that him and I could pack up our stuff. Not going to lie I did do some crying telling mom I was upset on what was supposed to be my last Easter at home we wouldn't be together. About 30 minutes later Josh and Ventured towad Greeley. I had to stp at Chilis for my Pay check which resalted in Eating and then We headed toward our destination just in time to hit I-25 traffic! Oh yeah Im so excited! Sarcasam is not my strong point. As I was driving I get a phone call from mom agian, Daddy Has decided to come home after all for Easter "back to Plan A" All well Josh and I make plans we will finish our journey to Greeley both spend the night with Nick and then Saturday night when he gets off work we will all venture home to be there as om requested for Egg hunting with Joh. Cool the plan. So upon arrival we bought a bday cake and stuff to make nick the perfect bday dinner! We had mini steak, mashed potatoes and Salad. We then bought a movie, Twister and a new CD who I LOVE!!! They are called sixxam Highly suggested by me! Anyway then we drove up 23rd to return to our little apt and wait for nick.
Saturday Nick was up and out by 10:00 to be to work and Josh and I decided to just chill. After Nick came home for his 3 hr break before returning to the Lobster we went and got hair cuts. (very cute and handsome!) Josh and I decided that we would go to the Loveland outlets and shop while awaiting Nicks final shift of the day to end. I met up with a friend Stasia and her honey for dinner(which bored Josh to death so we didnt stay long) heading towards Panda Express for Dinner We got home packed bags and waited. Nick Showed up about 9:30 as he and Josh packed up the car I well I fell Asleep on the coach, opps. The drive home proved o be hell when Nick ran into a blizzard on I-25 and a suprised mom called to say why are you coming home? she had forgeotten that part of plan A I guess. We finished our journey and fell asleep. Joh was kind enough not to wake anyone before 9:45 to do his hunt. It was great to watch to see what kind of boy he is growing up to be made me smile so big. I love you Bubby! Then Sissy and Sean taught Joh how to do Egg wars, a tradition Sean and I have had since we were god I cant even remember when it started I just know we have ALWAYS done it. Then we all got prett and headed to Grandmas. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!! I love the smell of that house on holidays! Then we took ALOT of pictures (non of mine are digital so mom will have to post them sorry.) The boys and I almost dropped mom on her head in one of them but it was a great picture! Nick and I steared his car back to Greeley and then fell asleep watching movies on the couch.
Monday was mine and Nicks 3 Year aniversary! WOW! I made mommy's Chicken Alfredo for us and a ceasur salad (sp). We watched movies and hung out basically we just spent it together and that was beyond perfect. I love you so much baby!
Tuesday and Wednesday were boring any other days I came back home on Wdnesday and did all of my Graduation anoucments! I am getting SOOOOOOO excited! Look for those in the mail mom and I should send them out soon. Today It is back to work for me and hat is good cause I missed work. Sounds weird I know but I did.
So for now Adios! (totally spelt that wrong all well the word that means good bye in spanish that is the word I tryed to write!)
For the love of writing and the love of telling people what I think, I have come back to my old blog. Previously known as Jacquie's Deep thoughts I am revamping it to create Mommy Mouse Clubhouse. I am so excited to jump back into blogging!!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ah Ah Ah Ah Stayin alive!!

Okay to start with The title is the song I have stuck in my head so It has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with this blog. Just stuck in my head. Wednesday after I wrote I went with mom and Sean and Joh to take sean to Ty Kwan Do and while he was working off calories mom joh and I decided to add some to ourselves and went to Baskin Robins and had some yummy ice cream treats. Then we ran to The store and got Sissy Some boxes. (More on that further down the line) Okay So On Thursday I had my choir concert and it went so well, I had a blast I read the introduction to Dance Elvolution and then the dance turned out perfect! Walt was proud which made us all very happy. Then on Friday as promised by Otteson We all packed up onto Bus 5 and took a feild trip to The Denver Capital (The day looked like it was going to be good as the evil bus drivers were not my bus driver) The Capital was BEYOND boring and as my BFF and I discussed we would have rathered listen to Otteson for the time in his class then go but all well it wasnt so terrible. We went on four diffrent tours and got to meet one of colorados Senators who was a very nice man begging to be re elected lol. Brooke and I have our own inside jokes about that but the key word there was inside so lol. I thought it was fasinating however when We got to sit in on the Senete and listen and we were in the room when the Bill about
the memoriale Highway for Gov. Carr was passed so that was very cool and I felt like part of CO history when I read the buzz about it on pine cam. Then we took the long hike back up to the tip top of the capital and played in the dome for like a half hour as Brooke and I read about the people Nomes was in charge of telling us who we were "on top of" a stupid teenager game we thought was funny. The day couldnt stay amazing as I was an hour late to work when the compter clock LYED to me, the boss was not happy. All well Stuff happens.
at 5:30 this morning the phone rang, thinking it was Daddy to tell Mom good morning I ignored it but it was awsome it was a school cancellation! Woot Woot SLEEP in time! Whe I woke up I made Nick help me begin to pack, I got like 25 boxes and decided we would pack up my closet so when it came time to move I had already gradully packed it all up. Always thinking. After that we were called for dinner. Thank God mommy knows me and didnt make Corned Beef (even though it is St. Pattys day) I HATE corned beef! Thank you mom! When all was cleaned up we had the eggs boiled and we dyed our eggs. This was a blast and I found my honey is not just an artist on paper he is with his eggs too. They all
look Awsome! Well I am ready to go check my email, myspace and pinecam and then call it good night.

Saturday Sucked So bad when I woke up at 3 AM throwing up, I think the little bit of exposer I had to the Sushi mom brought home sent me into Allergy Hell. That all sucked so move past it.
Sunday it was off to work and then when I got off of work I drove brute down to Grandmas and met mom and Nick there, Nick and I galloped off to have him fit for his Tux for Prom and I gazed at which dress I will soon drag mom and Em and Ali out to buy. I am in love with three of them so mom and the girls will have to help me pick the best one ever but all I know is I LOVE THEM!!! After the mean Orange Julius lady told me she would not make the drink I requested we headed home in the snow and wind.

Loves to all and
Ah Ah Ah Ah Staying alive stayin alive ah ah ah ah Stayyyin aliveeeeeeeeeeee aliveee (curse that song it wont go away!)
night night
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
9 weeks and counting

Life has been so hectic! Hence the non update since what the third?? All well. So Nick celebrated his 21st birthday yesterday and I could not be happier to say he is my baby. I am so proud of him and the man he is and has formed into over the last two years. I love you so much baby! Then on the 7thI went up to UNC for theature day at the campus. (speech team juniors and seniors only) So we went up and I did a workshop that included improv. (Thinking on the top of your head) and had A BLAST!!! But the fun continued until we went and saw the UNC producton of Caberat. It was WONDERFUL the actors did fantastic and I was delighted to see it! On the way back I fell between he bus seats which I had to ell because it made me laugh and my friends laugh but it also made me learn
something...DONT play Peek'a'boo with Lindsey on a bus lol!

After the bus ride home I imidiatly jumped into Brute and headed toward work. Arriving right intime for our Friday night rush! WEE lol so happy! On Saturday I slept in and then headed to work agian. nothing really cool to report there. Sunday I went out with my friend Kat and we looked at houses (Kat is the 4th to the 4 homies moving into our house) So then Monday returned to life. Rehearsal (going well) and grades (going okay)
One last thing today I began a new Ayden fundraiser and if anyone is intrested in finding out more let me know! I am selling awareness bracelets and the proceeds all go to Ali and Ayden. Have a great night all. hope to be back soonbut I can't promise anyting! Mom is calling for dinner and the smell of tacos is telling me I need to go upstairs now so TTFN Ta Ta For now!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Got to love Colorado
Ah You have to love living in the great state of Colorado. On Friday morning I woke up to Angie Austin telling us that the forcast was BEAUTIFUL! That today it was supposed to be close to 70 degrees. I laughed and said yeah whatever. and got dressed. Then at 12:20 when I got out of school I had planned to go empty the trash from my car, however I walked out of the school and to my suprise I walked into 70 degree weather. I drove into Bailey and changed out three dollars and washed my car soap suds and all. After it was looking quite spiffy I went to the trash can to throw all the trash away and headed home. I ate and then called DCES asking for Joh to go into car pool today. After picking the boys up at the bus stop we headed over to the school. To Josh's dismay Jamming to "The Suessical" Broadway. lol I love it and need to learn it so he had to live. After this we headed to town all four of us jamming to anything at this point. Joh swaying to the music Josh sitting stairing out the window and sean just being sean. We drove Josh down to his Max and then Joh and Sean to Grandmas for the weekend. Nick met me down there and we went out to a movie and saw "Juno" which was fantasitic but had a sad ending that made me cry. Then we went to Dinner at the Macaroni Grill (Thank you my Brinker card) We headed back up the hill tired and ready for bed.

Sunday morning brought ALOT of suprise when I opened the door to warm up my car and found a foot of fresh snow ontop of it. "huh, Sunburnt yesterday, and sweater iching today got to love colorado." As I turned to call my friend and let her know I would be a little late for our lunch date the phone rang with an Iris alert from the school, weather it was real or not is still up for debate but eather way they claimed school was closed already. I quickly began making my way down the hill I called Josh and Tracy and made the arrangments to get Josh at Colorado mills at 4, I had to
work at 5 o'clock. however plans quickly changed in my head as the roads I was driving on were nothing but Ice and between the wind and the snow I could see nothing. The 45 minute drive to denver quickly became a hour and 45 minute drive. I got to Old Chicao though to see my friend Katy. She is a friend from Speech and I missed her so much, we had been trying to hang out all weekend and today we had finally got to see one and other. After lunch Nick and I made our way to Grandma's. Upon arrival I told mom of the call I had recieved and that I was getting josh and then we were going NO WHERE! Further research proved we did have school however it was not until 9 as we had delayed start. I went to get Josh and some small thigs for Nick and Grandma and we had a slumber party in the basement it was fantastic. As the sun rose this morning we were all up and ready to go and so me and Sean and Josh pilled back into what I have now decided will be name "The brute" mom will call her Ru but she is Brute. My car my name. Anyway as we steared toward home we hit the C-470 morning traffic, patiently we got through that. everything was going just fine until about Conifer as the van I had been following all the way up the hill lost its grip on the road and went into circles. The boys cringed as they waited for the van to be hit by the on coming traffic. I steared more terrified then I let on and we spun right onto the sholder. The miracle occured that noone was hit noone was ina ditch (although brute came VERY close) and noone was hurt just a shaken Sissy. After a moment of recovery time and catching my breath we went back onto the highway and got to school only 5 minutes late! We went about our Merry days and that has landed me here typing and typing and typing lol! well thats all for now. XOXO -J

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