Okay to start with The title is the song I have stuck in my head so It has ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to do with this blog. Just stuck in my head. Wednesday after I wrote I went with mom and Sean and Joh to take sean to Ty Kwan Do and while he was working off calories mom joh and I decided to add some to ourselves and went to Baskin Robins and had some yummy ice cream treats. Then we ran to The store and got Sissy Some boxes. (More on that further down the line) Okay So On Thursday I had my choir concert and it went so well, I had a blast I read the introduction to Dance Elvolution and then the dance turned out perfect! Walt was proud which made us all very happy. Then on Friday as promised by Otteson We all packed up onto Bus 5 and took a feild trip to The Denver Capital (The day looked like it was going to be good as the evil bus drivers were not my bus driver) The Capital was BEYOND boring and as my BFF and I discussed we would have rathered listen to Otteson for the time in his class then go but all well it wasnt so terrible. We went on four diffrent tours and got to meet one of colorados Senators who was a very nice man begging to be re elected lol. Brooke and I have our own inside jokes about that but the key word there was inside so lol. I thought it was fasinating however when We got to sit in on the Senete and listen and we were in the room when the Bill about
the memoriale Highway for Gov. Carr was passed so that was very cool and I felt like part of CO history when I read the buzz about it on pine cam. Then we took the long hike back up to the tip top of the capital and played in the dome for like a half hour as Brooke and I read about the people Nomes was in charge of telling us who we were "on top of" a stupid teenager game we thought was funny. The day couldnt stay amazing as I was an hour late to work when the compter clock LYED to me, the boss was not happy. All well Stuff happens.
at 5:30 this morning the phone rang, thinking it was Daddy to tell Mom good morning I ignored it but it was awsome it was a school cancellation! Woot Woot SLEEP in time! Whe I woke up I made Nick help me begin to pack, I got like 25 boxes and decided we would pack up my closet so when it came time to move I had already gradully packed it all up. Always thinking. After that we were called for dinner. Thank God mommy knows me and didnt make Corned Beef (even though it is St. Pattys day) I HATE corned beef! Thank you mom! When all was cleaned up we had the eggs boiled and we dyed our eggs. This was a blast and I found my honey is not just an artist on paper he is with his eggs too. They all
look Awsome! Well I am ready to go check my email, myspace and pinecam and then call it good night.

Saturday Sucked So bad when I woke up at 3 AM throwing up, I think the little bit of exposer I had to the Sushi mom brought home sent me into Allergy Hell. That all sucked so move past it.
Sunday it was off to work and then when I got off of work I drove brute down to Grandmas and met mom and Nick there, Nick and I galloped off to have him fit for his Tux for Prom and I gazed at which dress I will soon drag mom and Em and Ali out to buy. I am in love with three of them so mom and the girls will have to help me pick the best one ever but all I know is I LOVE THEM!!! After the mean Orange Julius lady told me she would not make the drink I requested we headed home in the snow and wind.

Loves to all and
Ah Ah Ah Ah Staying alive stayin alive ah ah ah ah Stayyyin aliveeeeeeeeeeee aliveee (curse that song it wont go away!)
night night
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