Okay so it has been like forever since I posted, opps my bad sorry. Well Where to start? Okay on Friday I finished school to get a phone call from mom asking me to pick Josh up and take him toTracys and then go to Greeley as complicatios had led to mom pointing minnie toward Vegas to see daddy...this included EASTER!!! I hesitated then relized if that is what she had to do I had to let her...I am a big girl now! I got Josh and Ran home so that him and I could pack up our stuff. Not going to lie I did do some crying telling mom I was upset on what was supposed to be my last Easter at home we wouldn't be together. About 30 minutes later Josh and Ventured towad Greeley. I had to stp at Chilis for my Pay check which resalted in Eating and then We headed toward our destination just in time to hit I-25 traffic! Oh yeah Im so excited! Sarcasam is not my strong point. As I was driving I get a phone call from mom agian, Daddy Has decided to come home after all for Easter "back to Plan A" All well Josh and I make plans we will finish our journey to Greeley both spend the night with Nick and then Saturday night when he gets off work we will all venture home to be there as om requested for Egg hunting with Joh. Cool the plan. So upon arrival we bought a bday cake and stuff to make nick the perfect bday dinner! We had mini steak, mashed potatoes and Salad. We then bought a movie, Twister and a new CD who I LOVE!!! They are called sixxam Highly suggested by me! Anyway then we drove up 23rd to return to our little apt and wait for nick.
Saturday Nick was up and out by 10:00 to be to work and Josh and I decided to just chill. After Nick came home for his 3 hr break before returning to the Lobster we went and got hair cuts. (very cute and handsome!) Josh and I decided that we would go to the Loveland outlets and shop while awaiting Nicks final shift of the day to end. I met up with a friend Stasia and her honey for dinner(which bored Josh to death so we didnt stay long) heading towards Panda Express for Dinner We got home packed bags and waited. Nick Showed up about 9:30 as he and Josh packed up the car I well I fell Asleep on the coach, opps. The drive home proved o be hell when Nick ran into a blizzard on I-25 and a suprised mom called to say why are you coming home? she had forgeotten that part of plan A I guess. We finished our journey and fell asleep. Joh was kind enough not to wake anyone before 9:45 to do his hunt. It was great to watch to see what kind of boy he is growing up to be made me smile so big. I love you Bubby! Then Sissy and Sean taught Joh how to do Egg wars, a tradition Sean and I have had since we were god I cant even remember when it started I just know we have ALWAYS done it. Then we all got prett and headed to Grandmas. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!! I love the smell of that house on holidays! Then we took ALOT of pictures (non of mine are digital so mom will have to post them sorry.) The boys and I almost dropped mom on her head in one of them but it was a great picture! Nick and I steared his car back to Greeley and then fell asleep watching movies on the couch.
Monday was mine and Nicks 3 Year aniversary! WOW! I made mommy's Chicken Alfredo for us and a ceasur salad (sp). We watched movies and hung out basically we just spent it together and that was beyond perfect. I love you so much baby!
Tuesday and Wednesday were boring any other days I came back home on Wdnesday and did all of my Graduation anoucments! I am getting SOOOOOOO excited! Look for those in the mail mom and I should send them out soon. Today It is back to work for me and hat is good cause I missed work. Sounds weird I know but I did.
So for now Adios! (totally spelt that wrong all well the word that means good bye in spanish that is the word I tryed to write!)
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