Ah You have to love living in the great state of Colorado. On Friday morning I woke up to Angie Austin telling us that the forcast was BEAUTIFUL! That today it was supposed to be close to 70 degrees. I laughed and said yeah whatever. and got dressed. Then at 12:20 when I got out of school I had planned to go empty the trash from my car, however I walked out of the school and to my suprise I walked into 70 degree weather. I drove into Bailey and changed out three dollars and washed my car soap suds and all. After it was looking quite spiffy I went to the trash can to throw all the trash away and headed home. I ate and then called DCES asking for Joh to go into car pool today. After picking the boys up at the bus stop we headed over to the school. To Josh's dismay Jamming to "The Suessical" Broadway. lol I love it and need to learn it so he had to live. After this we headed to town all four of us jamming to anything at this point. Joh swaying to the music Josh sitting stairing out the window and sean just being sean. We drove Josh down to his Max and then Joh and Sean to Grandmas for the weekend. Nick met me down there and we went out to a movie and saw "Juno" which was fantasitic but had a sad ending that made me cry. Then we went to Dinner at the Macaroni Grill (Thank you my Brinker card) We headed back up the hill tired and ready for bed.

Sunday morning brought ALOT of suprise when I opened the door to warm up my car and found a foot of fresh snow ontop of it. "huh, Sunburnt yesterday, and sweater iching today got to love colorado." As I turned to call my friend and let her know I would be a little late for our lunch date the phone rang with an Iris alert from the school, weather it was real or not is still up for debate but eather way they claimed school was closed already. I quickly began making my way down the hill I called Josh and Tracy and made the arrangments to get Josh at Colorado mills at 4, I had to
work at 5 o'clock. however plans quickly changed in my head as the roads I was driving on were nothing but Ice and between the wind and the snow I could see nothing. The 45 minute drive to denver quickly became a hour and 45 minute drive. I got to Old Chicao though to see my friend Katy. She is a friend from Speech and I missed her so much, we had been trying to hang out all weekend and today we had finally got to see one and other. After lunch Nick and I made our way to Grandma's. Upon arrival I told mom of the call I had recieved and that I was getting josh and then we were going NO WHERE! Further research proved we did have school however it was not until 9 as we had delayed start. I went to get Josh and some small thigs for Nick and Grandma and we had a slumber party in the basement it was fantastic. As the sun rose this morning we were all up and ready to go and so me and Sean and Josh pilled back into what I have now decided will be name "The brute" mom will call her Ru but she is Brute. My car my name. Anyway as we steared toward home we hit the C-470 morning traffic, patiently we got through that. everything was going just fine until about Conifer as the van I had been following all the way up the hill lost its grip on the road and went into circles. The boys cringed as they waited for the van to be hit by the on coming traffic. I steared more terrified then I let on and we spun right onto the sholder. The miracle occured that noone was hit noone was ina ditch (although brute came VERY close) and noone was hurt just a shaken Sissy. After a moment of recovery time and catching my breath we went back onto the highway and got to school only 5 minutes late! We went about our Merry days and that has landed me here typing and typing and typing lol! well thats all for now. XOXO -J

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