well as my life in Evans keeps coming more and more together I am getting better and better with not missing home and not being so sad when I cant talk to mom as much as I want and now i am so excited because I have even my social and school schedule coming along. as of last Thursday I have a class schedule and I am regestered for those classes! I am taking English, math (BOOOOOOO!!!!), US histroy 2, Intro to college how to be the student you can (actually very cool class Im excited) and Intro to education (my first class toward becoming a teacher!) Then I also Have my work schedule down and now that i am settled in at Chilis it seems I will be making a third home of Qudoba! Where I just got my 2nd job! the manager was confident in saying he thinks I will be a manager within the month (making ALOT more) and that makes me very proud too. Mom and I dont know who else is FINALLY coming to the house on saturday sending me into a wirlwind of joy! I truly cant wait for her to really see the Big girl i am ! well nick and I have to go and get a mailbox today and register as Weld county voters. Within the next 8 weeks (a little less but overshooting never hurts) i will legally become Jacqueline Rose-Mary mueller and that makes me so far beyond excited and I am SO proud and pleased to soon be wearing the mueller name in everything I do! Someday NOT FOR A LLLLLLLLLOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time i guess i Will give that name up too however i regret to tell you I will have remorse giving up my Mueller name and Am counting the days until i can give up the name Jacqueline Joan Twogood! well I got to run but I will try to update more often.
Always remember to Laugh once an hour it is good for your health! =) luvs,
the college student in Greeley okay Evans Whatever it smells like cow EVERYWHERE!
For the love of writing and the love of telling people what I think, I have come back to my old blog. Previously known as Jacquie's Deep thoughts I am revamping it to create Mommy Mouse Clubhouse. I am so excited to jump back into blogging!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Its not a house...Its my home!
So It has now been almost two weeks since we moved into our house and it all is becoing alot better. I stopped being sad about not being by my mom and dad and started looking for what I could do to make this place not a house, but a home. I started with the living room, Kat and I had long since decorated it but something was not right. I unpacked more boxes and found my oil burner from Ali & Emmy and then found pictures and books and all sorts of things okay this was a start I went through and put them up made pictures lione the walls and photos were framed und went up on the blank walls by the time my first day was done the Living room and the kitchen were feeling great over the next couple of days I did the downstairs living room and the halls through the rest of the house cleaned my bathroom and created a very pretty family wall. Yesterday I woke up in a cleaning fit and set to cleaning. My pride of the day yesterday was the Guest room. I set up the bed frame and the tables then decorated the tables with a lamp and a plant , candles and a clock and then Kat and I decided that it would be seashell room. We took a bag of seashells and nicely spread them out and made it perfect the only thing we are missing is a picture of the beach which I will have to dig through and find one of Emerald Isle and It will be the perfect guest room! As I walked to the kitchen this morning I went to let Bruno out for his morning pee Nick already out and about doing Laundry. I made a cup of coffee and did the few dishes in the sink. I walked around to the couch and sat to drink my coffee the phone rang and I answered and as I was done with my morning routine I looked around had to think okay now it is not a house Its my home! Yeah I actually feel at home!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
"Okay now I feel like a college student"
So today was nice it was hot and so we went to the pool but the simple favorite part of the day was the time of the "dumpster dive" We decided that we wanted pizza for dinner. Nick had saced some cupons from the paper and it was for pizza provlem was that they fell right in the middle of Kats cleaning spree so she threw them all away. Nick and I came into the house looking for them they were long gone in the bottom of a trash bag in our dumpster. Nick still determined to get the best deal on the dinner went out to go and get the trash bags he began just digging in one and then when he had no sucess he grabbed his gloves and went into the dumpster once again. I walked out to the garage to find nick standing there half the reash on the floor and cupoms for the pizza in his hand. I began laughing so hard when he looked at me and said "What is so funny?" I continued to laugh and then looked at him and said "Okay now i feel like a college Student." He looked at his hand then at me then at the floor of the garage and began laughing as well. "Yeah I guess dumpster diving for cupons is kinda college kids huh?" We went together laughing into the house. We ordered the pizza and it was good and guess what it was cheap....Ahh the life of a college kid I guess I will have to get used to the trash digging. lol
Monday, June 2, 2008
making it a home

As you all have probably read from moms blog I have offically moved out! On Sunday We went and got the truck and since they were unable to get us a 15 foot truck so we recieved a 24 foot truck. Thank goodness! there is no way that we would have ever made everything fit into a 15 footer. nick took the keys in his hand with his fear there but his confidence bigger he drove the truck with great ease. We first drove to Gary's house (he is a state trooper that gave us a lot of furniture) then we drove to kats for the last of the things donated by her family. Then to Todd and Lisa's for our new couch! Thank you so much Lise it looks SOOOO amazing I love it! Then to Pauls for the few things from him and then after alllllll of that we headed to my house for alllllllll of my stuff! There was alot of it. after it was all packed up i got Bruno and mom snapped some pictures. I gave hugs and loves to everyone and then we packed into all the cars. Mom began to tear and I began biting my lip trying not to. i gave a few more hugs and then we were off. Looking out the window I see mom in Daddys Arms crying and I lost it all. The tears stream down my eyes and I wipe them trying not to let it show. As I start to drive off I had to decide if it truly was safe for me to be driving with all the tears streaming down my face. After I was okay i went to go get Kat and after some Kat stops we were on the road. we got to the house and began to unpack which I regret to say is no where near done but I am trying so hard because I think my parents are coming to see the house this weekend and I want it to look nice! The first night was tough. After some dinner Of pork chops and Potato skins nick went to go do some laundry and I started to unpack our room. Bruno Being very un used to the heat of greeley, CO got over heated and very sick and we spent all night up with him. by this morning I got dressed to go meet my new boss at my new Chilis in loveland. Jeff was very very nice and i think I will love it there too. Although i cryed over leaving my first Chilis family and I do miss them alot i feel i can feel right at home here too soon. I then took advantage of my very cute and very mature interveiw outfit and ventured out to find a second job. I am really hoping that I get the waitress job at IHOP. Fingers crossed!!! After getting back from my interveiw I changed into some unpacking clothes and noticed bru was still very hot and after calling some groomers none would take him without a Rabis shot. So after a tearful phone call to mom I could still not find a groomer. I called Nick at work and we went to Walmart and bought clippers. i am pleased to say that although he is not very Bruno anymore he looks like a lion and he doesnt look very bad eather. He is now calm unheated and at home. now we are sitting in the living room and watching a movie. More to write soon. later,
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