Friday, September 26, 2008

The brains of our body

So here is what i wanted to share. Never doubt the power of your body. Since I have moved up to Greeley I will admit I feel like I have not stopped going and going and going, I am the freakin Energizer Bunny of college. So Anyway I updated you on the what I have to dos on my last blog. well aparently my body is tired. I have to admit even with monday being my "down day" I still always have so much todo it barely counts. So about three days ago my body had had enough and decided to attack me with a cold. This cold took away my voice and my ability to want to go go go. However I had to so I did. Well the body wants me to stop so it says "Kick it up a notch" and yesterday I went to work where I was allowed to work for about an hour before my boss sent me home demanding I get my night shift covered and NOT come back until I at least had a voice. So my body won and I spent yesterday sleeping on my couch and thanks to Katy and Devon was force fed Soup and Juice. Thanks guys. So today I wake up and I still have no voice but I refused to waste my grandads tution money and made myself go to class and sit here listening to my professor. I have to sleep after my classes. So I wanted to throw it out there and say never ever ever underestamate your body. It will win eventually.

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