On septemeber 27th I woke up, that was step one. September 27th as everyone knows is very close to me and it being the two year aniversary was hard. I had a day planned of things and to be honest the best part of that was that was if I didnt stop going I didnt have to think about what day it was and maybe just maybe I could get through it without crying. That was a lost idea. As I was getting dressed to go to the St. Judes fair at chilis I decided that In honor of the day I was going to wear my PCHS Seniors shirt. It was fitting. As I looked at myself in the mirror I started it, I got a littl teared up but I was late so I grabbed sunglasses to make sure noone would see me cry at work. I must admit I did cry almost all the way to work. However when I got there I felt better and my friends at work were so sweet. They all kept me laughing and soon I was fine. Nick joined me at the fair as a volenteer. We paintd faces played gmes listened to music all that fun stuff. It was a great day and a perfect lasst memory to have with my chilis Family. As it ended I jumped into Minnie and called mom it was detrmined that w would met at flat irons to head to CSU. When we got there Nick and I got our Team Ayden Shirts and we followed all of us to the campus. We were by far the biggest team there. I spent tim seeing Ayden and palying with him in ice fights and just talking. Ayden is an amazing talker for his age. I played with Anna and then the walk started. When I saww all the balloons lit up and Ayden so strong and incredible I cryed again. Nick grabbed my waist and let me cry. I cryed for Emily and the day but I cryed even more for the strenghth of all of these people and they are all so amazing and look at all these balloons. It was incredible. In the end I went home with my family and spent the night and next day in Bailey with Joh and Sean and it was perfect. I love when I get to go hom and be with them. I love you guys! I love you emily and We all miss you every day. I know some people may read this and think I should get over it but the pain of that day will live with me forever so I will cry a few tears every year on the 27th of September and that is allowed that is not dwelling on it tht is remembering it and giving it the respect it deserves.
I love you all
*I love u guys*
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