Well life is in the fast lane and this highway has no speed limit. Eather that or it has no cops to ticket it. The speech banquet was fantastic I double lettered and sean got his very first letter. We also presented our coach with Flowers a card and from all the seniors a picture frame with all of our signitures. We love our Mama Barth! After tearful hugs I said good bye to my last speech season. Sean and I enjoyed some cake and then grabbed our BOES to take them home where they belonged. After checking in on mom and dad and dad and I stragising we came up with a design for my catapult. It looked so lame but It was okay because it worked and it was turned in and even shot one whole meter! Arn't we impressed lol.
Yesterday was cool I chilled at school and then mom and I watched Days of Our Lives and after that I went to get my licence plates but not before State Trooper guy pulled me over for guess what...EXPIRED PLATES!!! Which I had to laugh at myself for. Mom has been sick and the car is in her name so I had to wait for her
to get the plates. So i have been driving for a week with expired tags, not getting pulled over, not getting in trouble with state troopers and the time I am going down Crow hill to get the plates, on goes the lights! I had to laugh. We made our way to Park County sheriffs station, got the plates and in the mean time I regestered to vote. After this ordeal I head to work and have a fun filled night of chilis working! I do love the people I work with though. Elizabeth, Damon, Josh, Jen all of them I love it! I got my free dinner (as I was a trainer last night and will be agian tonight) came home and finished my physical science homework. Night night Sissy

Then today I woke up did my get pretty thing and went to school. We had a test in Goverment which was so easy and after all of the test Otteson taught us about Demented Annie.(Just better not to ask lol) We went to choir did our singing thing, went to physical science, found out my grade has gone up alot! I was very excited! I came home ate and now I am typing. Tonight I have to go to work and then tomorrow I want to sleep and oddly enough thanks to Otteson I really want to go to the Zoo tomorrow! Probably not happening but It is worth a dream. Well yeah

Just a quick note, love the people wo love you most with all your heart, be kind (Esp to police officers who want to give you a ticket but don't because you were so polite), love yourself and never be assamed of who you are. Take the ones in your life as a gift not for granted and at the same time expect the same of them. Life is too short! Life is a highway ride it all life long, and do yourself a favor...dont just take the next exit because that road looks less curvy, you will do nothing but bore yourself on that drive.
I am really proud of you for registering to vote!!! You rock!
Congrats to you and Sean on your lettering! I know it's sad that the speech season is over but much more fun is in store for you - trust me on that. :)
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