Last week was dull, work school, work, school, musical, blah blah, blah =) Then came Thursday, supposed to be a good day! NOT! Kat and I woke up early to go eat at Cuthroat before school because we had late arrival that day for CSAP. (Seniors dont have to be at school until 9) So we ate and it looked like We were actually going to be to school
early. I get there and begin pulling into my assigned spot (after the shooting for safety thay began assigning parking spots) but I guess I was not supposed to do that because as I begin the turn a big ol truck desides hey now would be a cool time to back up and BAM! Right into my baby! "Son of a B****!" I get out check out the damage and call mom who tells me I need to go get one of the cops out of the school and file an acciednt report, About then the girl that hit me begins begging me not to do this because , dun dun dun dun, she GOT HER LICENCE THE DAY BEFORE!!! Now I'm even more pissed! My car is financed and therefore in the state of Colorado it is Illigal for there to be ANYTHING wrong with it! If she isnt gonna pay for it who is? So I feel like a jerk but I go inside and file the report. On my way into the school my speech coach informs me that my partner is ineligable (fancy for failing) and cannot go to Nationals THE NEXT DAY! Now I'm really upset, here come the tears. By the end of first period I dont know weather to be so angry I can't stand strait or so upset I want to do nothing more then go into my pillow and cry sweet sweet tears. However by the end of the day my partner was good to go, and my mom had worked something out with the girls mom.

Friday came and with pride and excitment I got onto the bus with 16 other members of the team (the ones that qualified for nationals, if this seems like a big number remember our orignal team size is 75 people) We got on and headed to THE WESTIN! The school paid for AMAZING rooms in this hotel and then off to nationals. Although Brooke and I only made it three rounds befoe being knocked out we did get offered a $1000.00 scholarship to the school of our choice. That was beyond exciting.

Sunday brought bright sunny skies and Football. Joh is playing flag football and it soon became cold and windy. That was over quickly though. But then after that as promised mom took me to find the PERFECT prom dress. We went to Davids Bridal and I must say it is PERFECT!!! I cant talk about it too much as I know Nick reads the blog and my dress MUST be a total suprise to him! Emmy said it looks amazing and mom loved it alot too. Anna crawled under it and laughed so I think she liked it. I LOVE it. It truly is THE PERFECT prom dress. I want to throw out there Alli thank you so much for giving some money for the dress! It is perfect and you SO did not have to do that! I love you Alli! Em thank you for going, I know maybe it wasnt in the plan but I am SO glad you were there, Mom thank you for the incredible dress, it is going to be a night to remember, I know it. I have to say though, as I was sitting at dinner, I looked at Anna and smiled, I know that I will blink and she will be 18 and we will be all together and still friends. And I'll go with her to help her find the PERFECT prom dress and I will smile and think of today,
and then I couldn't help but think by then I might have a little girl who will crawl under her dress and laugh and we will know it is the PERECT dress and her night will be incredable too.

I have to say that even as I wrote opn one of my blogs on here, when everything in my life seemed to be going wrong, with Grandma being so sick and Ayden being so sick, I lost all faith and wondered Why God would ever do something so terrible, I have to say that in the last couple of days, I got it! I actually gained faith, Ayden is doing amazing and Grandma is back to outliving us all. Maybe that was the plan all along, to bring faith back into some lives and to make us apreciate the small things in life and never take ANYTHING for granted. I love you all so much and I must say okay I get it now.

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