Okay so that was a bad idea. On sunday Nick and I had to work an open thru which means that we go in at 9:30 and open the resturant and then stay on until at least 4 taking tables up until what is suppossed to be three but normally the hosts decide they like us and they wont seat us after like 3:15! anyway we did that and it had been decided days ago that after nick and i got off we would take the boys to go and see Marley and me. it was suppossed to be the family movie of the year and it was suppossed to be incredible. So we packed the boys up at 6:40 and went to dollar tree for candy. We then got back into minnie and headed toward the mall. We got to the theature at 7:10 for the 7:25 veiwing of marley and me. The movie began and it was a realllly good movie that is true definitly great but the end is awful. As we all know Bruno died around three weeks ago after his stomach twisted and he was diagnosed with Bloat. Well Anyone want to take a shot at how Marley dies? If you guessed Bloat you would be correct. I could not contain my tears and either could Joh who was here for the whole thing with Bruno. I know there was not a dry eye in the theature leaving but it really hit home for the four of us. Even Sean was crying! Nick held me and I held Joh. We got into the car and all I could think of was bruno and I could not stop the tears. We came home and joh was a wreck! We called mom and let her talk to Joh because lets face it she is SUPER MOM duh duh duh duh! She ended making Joh not cry and we went to dinner at Perkins. When we got back even though it was late Joh requested we watch a movie with a happy ending so we poped in Madagascar and at about 11:30 we were all snoaring together on the couch! We all slept until around 9 and depending on the whole thing with
Sean and his spleen (whether or not we leave today so he can work or he finds a cover and we leave whenever) we might be cruising our way back to bailey to take the boys home. Then stopping at nicks grandparents to celebrate a late Christmas with them. So all in all the mvie marley and Me is reallllly good but if u have lost a dog to bloat in the last 6 months i would say that you shouod wait for the dvd or go armed with like 7 boxes of tissues!
For the love of writing and the love of telling people what I think, I have come back to my old blog. Previously known as Jacquie's Deep thoughts I am revamping it to create Mommy Mouse Clubhouse. I am so excited to jump back into blogging!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Joh and Sean's visit
Slip and Slide
We turned the floor in my kitchen into a slip and slide. first we were cleaning the floor but then it turned into a slipping and sliding palooza! Talk about a blast!
Check out Joh, Jazzi and i as we slip and slide across my floor!
Check out Joh, Jazzi and i as we slip and slide across my floor!
Jazzi learns tricks!!!
So I have a great idea, i am not such an amazing typer and I kind of hate it alot to type and type and type lol but i do love to take videos and show off my new camera stuff to people so i probably will turn this into a video blog. i will type like I am now little bits and peices and then you all will get the video to tell you the details! BRILLIENT!
So this is Jazzi learning new tricks!
So this is Jazzi learning new tricks!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Pop cuts the roast beef
Thought i would share this short clip it makes me about die laughing! enjoy!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
Hey all just a quick Hello and Merry Christmas to all of the loyal blog followers. So the Christmas started off so great. After getting off work at like 2 Nick and I jumped into the car and headed back to the house to pack. I threw all of the gifts into three boxes and threw our backpacks into the car. Jazzi got into her Santa Suit and I hoped into the shower. Nick and I emerged at 3 looking pretty snazzy I might add. Nick in his brand new red shirt and tie and and me in my new silk red shirt and snazzy pants. We looked awesome! We jumped into the car and headed toward mom and Daddy's house and got here at 6. I threw the gifts under the tree and nick got Jazzi settled and we ran out the door to grandma's. When we got there we almost right away started to open gifts. I love giving gifts and so i loved watching as everyone opened their presents from Nick and I. After it all was done Nick and I had gotten some great gifts but the best was the face of Kona when he opened his Diago Puzzle I didnt know he loved Diago but he definitly did so Score one for Jacquie! We headed home and settled in to sleep. Nick awoke at 5:40 am so tickled with antisipation. I laughed at him and went back to sleep. At 7:40 the excitment started i got to be Santa this year and I was so excited. I handed out gift after gift and yeah it was so fun. Then it was sissy's turn BIG YIPPEE!!! I got a BEAUTIFUL amazing Laptop and I am so excited that i finally got a wonderful puter all my own. Then I thought I was done and i got anouther gift A DIGITAL CAMERA!!!! It is blue and everything! I love it all so much! We will be heading to Grandmas soon for Christmas dinner and the gathering of the whole crew! but for now lets say MERRY CHRISTMAS! Here is to the good and the bad of 2008 and to an AMAZING 2009. This is the best christmas ever just because my grandma is still here to see it!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Jazzi is Jazzi lol
Well it has now been a week since we got Jazz and I muct say what a week it has been. We took a trip to mom and Dad's house and she got to play with her new cousin Leai and was doing SO incredible with her potty training. She would wake Nick and I up at like two, and four and five o'clock in the morning but she was waking us up this was very very good! We came back on Tuesday night and when we headed to bed we did the normal with Jazmine we took her outside and let her pee and then we went to bed. Well Jazzi slept threw the night but I guess she did not want to wake her sleeping mommy and daddy because we woke up the next day at eight and had not been interupted in the sleeping so we thougt this must be really good. until I put my glasses on. There was a pile of poop and a pee stain and so she got her butt smacked and I calmed nick by telling him that she was a baby and that she would have her accidents. The day went by Jazzi did great. Next night the routine and a sleeping puppy. The next moring ANOUTHER MESS!!! I was getting irritated because she clearly knew she was doing wrong but I again calmed nick and we went about the day well I bet you can guess how this story ends it has now been a week since we got back from Bailey and I still wake up to this god awful smell and this morning it was on my letter Jacket! (Yeah yeah dont leave it on the floor) All in all Jazzi is such a great dog. She is so sweet and cuddly and is just a blast to play with. She knows Sit Lay and Shake perfect and is getting the hang of stay and come but is still thinking I am nuts when I go into Roll over lol. She is very smart she is just driving me nuts with this night time thing. i try waking up by alarm every couple hours in the night but i still get the mess!!! What is going on here???? help ANYONE!!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
So yesterday Nick and I drove accross the state with Joh and Sean to Aurora to be at the Aurora Petco by 9:00 when they opened. Why you may ask did we do that? well The Puppy rescue was there and adopting out puppies for the very good price of $125.00! I had looked online and seen a couple great looking pups but i never expected what I got. On Friday night right before the big day I checked one last time online to look at the pictures. I came across a beautiful Great Pyraneese and I thought wow I have to see her! So i had her in mind when we got there. As the puppies started to arrive one by one there she came and my heart lept. She looked at me and I at her and I knew she was the one. I was the first on the list so when they called my name i went strait to her cage and said I want to see that one. After ten minutes of alone time and Some very cute looks at nick she was mine. The boys aproved and I was in love again. So without further ado I would like to introduce Jazmine Mueller (she has a middle name that nick picked out but It is so weird so just know Jazmine M. mueller! enjoy the pics guys and I can not wait for you all to meet my sweet little girl!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thank you all
Hey guys I wanted to post it up really quick a big thank you to everyone who was there for me and who offered very kind words after Bruno passed. As you all know Bruno was my very best friend and will always be in my heart. Thank you to all of you people who even sent a kind email my way every ounce of support i got has helped. Especially thank you to My mom, without you here i dont know what I would have done and the phone calls and the emails and the everything you have done for me has really helped me get through this all. You staying the night here on Saturday was the best of all. falling asleep on your shoulder again made everything feel like it would be okay. To Nick who has held my hand and helped me and been there through all the crying and the bad dreams and the nights when I laid in bed crying and calling Brunos name while I slept. And last but not least to Katy, Kat and Riah who were there the second they could be and held my hand, brought me blizzards, made me eat and most of all made me smile. Thank you guys I love you so muchi have the best friends in the whole world. I am so happy that you told me it was okay to cry but is was not okay to cry alone. Thank you so very much for that you guys I love you and I could not ask for a better set of friends.
So to sum it all up On Saturday nick, sean Joh and I are going to petco in Aurora to look at the puppies from the rescue center to try to fillthe void in my heart. Bruno you will never be forgotten and Could NEVER be replaced I just need a new friend to snuggle with and spoil. plus lets face it I am SOOO not a cat person!
Thank you everyone for everything i love you all!
So to sum it all up On Saturday nick, sean Joh and I are going to petco in Aurora to look at the puppies from the rescue center to try to fillthe void in my heart. Bruno you will never be forgotten and Could NEVER be replaced I just need a new friend to snuggle with and spoil. plus lets face it I am SOOO not a cat person!
Thank you everyone for everything i love you all!
me me me,
new friends,
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saying Good Bye to my Best Friend

Yesterday at 8:20 pm Bruno Mueller was put out of a very sudden very serious pain and joined the angels in heaven.
Bruno was my best friend and this is his story.
Bruno Galieth Mueller was born on December 2, 1999 on a freezing cold night on a freezing cold floor. He was the first born puppy to Missy & Caz Murphy and almost was taken that night. My mom warmed him up using a hot bag of water and made him eat from a baby bottle and much to our family's shock was given to my mom as a Christmas gift that year. Bruno took a liking to me and I fell in love with him and soon we became the best of friends. I will never forget when we were potty training him it was like Dec January area and so it was so snowy and I took him out on a lease to take him potty and I pulled a tree branch and all the snow caming tumbling down onto him he looked so funny and the game had begun. We spent the next hour playing in the snow and I knew right then he was to be my best friend. I was nine. As Bruno grew so did I i became one hundred pounds so did he. And we both kept growing. dont think that stopped us from sharing a bed! It did not! In December of 2006 We had to put down our collie Norm and Bruno was devistated. We slept next to each other crying togther morning Norm and missing him. Slowly we both felt better. Bruno would say he would never forget the first time he met Nick. His jelousy was unreal and he was so mad he didnt sleep with me for a whole twenty minutes...lol! Slowly Nick and Bruno became friends. When Grandma got sick I layed with Bruno for hours crying and it was then I made a deal with him that he simply HAD to let me go first because I did not know how i would handle any of this without him! In june of 2008 when I made the most diffucult transition of my life from girl to woman and moved out you bet that Bru moved out right next to me. Together we did it! The first night that we lived in Greeley it looked like the heat would make him return to Bailey. But no the next day he got a hair cut to remember and was fine. he loved his new life. And I loved him! On Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 8:20 pm Bruno left this earth after a terrible thing called "Bloat" attacked his body very suddenly. Within two hours of him telling me he was sick he had passed away. There was simply nothing we could do. I will be heart broken for a while and I cant seem to find the end of my tears but bru I love you with all my heart and soul and I miss you so much i hurt so much at the thought of never seeing you again. I love you baby and I know you are in a better place now but Who am i supposed to cuddle with now? Who am I supposed to go take to Santa? Who will i lay next to when I am sad and just need love? Bruno i love you and miss you! Thank you for being there and making my life as amazing as it was for the nine years that you blessed me with your friendship love and to be honest gave me the BEST friend I could ever ask for! i will see you again bru I know I will but until then I love you and please dont beat Normy up to bad! i know how you two loved to play rough!
Bruno mueller became my angel on a cold night and on anouther cold night he left me to fly with them!
Bruno mueller December 2, 1999 - December 6, 2008
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