Yesterday at 8:20 pm Bruno Mueller was put out of a very sudden very serious pain and joined the angels in heaven.
Bruno was my best friend and this is his story.
Bruno Galieth Mueller was born on December 2, 1999 on a freezing cold night on a freezing cold floor. He was the first born puppy to Missy & Caz Murphy and almost was taken that night. My mom warmed him up using a hot bag of water and made him eat from a baby bottle and much to our family's shock was given to my mom as a Christmas gift that year. Bruno took a liking to me and I fell in love with him and soon we became the best of friends. I will never forget when we were potty training him it was like Dec January area and so it was so snowy and I took him out on a lease to take him potty and I pulled a tree branch and all the snow caming tumbling down onto him he looked so funny and the game had begun. We spent the next hour playing in the snow and I knew right then he was to be my best friend. I was nine. As Bruno grew so did I i became one hundred pounds so did he. And we both kept growing. dont think that stopped us from sharing a bed! It did not! In December of 2006 We had to put down our collie Norm and Bruno was devistated. We slept next to each other crying togther morning Norm and missing him. Slowly we both felt better. Bruno would say he would never forget the first time he met Nick. His jelousy was unreal and he was so mad he didnt sleep with me for a whole twenty minutes...lol! Slowly Nick and Bruno became friends. When Grandma got sick I layed with Bruno for hours crying and it was then I made a deal with him that he simply HAD to let me go first because I did not know how i would handle any of this without him! In june of 2008 when I made the most diffucult transition of my life from girl to woman and moved out you bet that Bru moved out right next to me. Together we did it! The first night that we lived in Greeley it looked like the heat would make him return to Bailey. But no the next day he got a hair cut to remember and was fine. he loved his new life. And I loved him! On Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 8:20 pm Bruno left this earth after a terrible thing called "Bloat" attacked his body very suddenly. Within two hours of him telling me he was sick he had passed away. There was simply nothing we could do. I will be heart broken for a while and I cant seem to find the end of my tears but bru I love you with all my heart and soul and I miss you so much i hurt so much at the thought of never seeing you again. I love you baby and I know you are in a better place now but Who am i supposed to cuddle with now? Who am I supposed to go take to Santa? Who will i lay next to when I am sad and just need love? Bruno i love you and miss you! Thank you for being there and making my life as amazing as it was for the nine years that you blessed me with your friendship love and to be honest gave me the BEST friend I could ever ask for! i will see you again bru I know I will but until then I love you and please dont beat Normy up to bad! i know how you two loved to play rough!
Bruno mueller became my angel on a cold night and on anouther cold night he left me to fly with them!
Bruno mueller December 2, 1999 - December 6, 2008
1 comment:
I love you so much baby. I can't seem to stop crying either. I cry largely because I can't take away your pain & I couldn't do anything to stop you from having to feel it. I am so sorry baby that I couldn't save your baby, I would have given anything I have for you not to have to feel this pain. Believe it or not I really, really miss him to. When he moved away it was different, I knew he was with you & could clearly see how happy he was. It was also time for him to grow up & move out...but this, it just hurts, so deeply. All I can say is that if it had to happen I am really glad that I could be there with you, I am really, really glad that I got to see him & love him before he left. I will always have the memory inside me of him greeting me at the door that day, how great he looked, how excited he was to see Joh (a little kid to play with!), how happy he was to see me & have me pet him. I am trying with everything in me to remember that happy picture, because that is how he was & that is how he will be forever now.
I love you so much baby & I am really missing you, because I know you are in pain & Mommy is supposed to be able to fix all owies, but I can't fix this one. It makes me so very sad. But, we will both be alright b/c I know Bruno is up there bouncing with Normie & watching over you & he is feeling you pet him 24/7 now.
Hang in there! You will be okay, keep busy, be strong, move through it. I love you so much! I am so deeply sorry...
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