Tuesday, January 20, 2009

because you all need to know

i am going to make this quick as it is hard as hell to talk about and i am only posting it so i dont have to answer all the questions and everyone knows. Last night (monday) nick and I broke up. i am not putting reason in it for anyone that is between myself and nick and We are really trying to make the friendship work. I am in severe pain as is nick i am sure but for now this is the best for us both! there is hope in my head that says after enough time apart we will no doubt be back together. I love him with all of my heart and soul and always will but for now I am talking my mom and Daddys advice and being friends first...somewhere along the long time we have been together it seems to have become minimal. I would really apreciate no questions and as i said before nick has become a part of all of our family please noone be upset at him or me for any of this. Things will work out for the best. I just thought you all deserved to know this! I a going to sign off for a while to give myself time to find somethng worth writing about! I am working on being fine so please noone worry! Love you all and now you all know!
love you

1 comment:

Aunt Sue said...

I love you baby. It is all going to be okay. It was so nice to hear you having a good time last night. Always remember Friends First & enjoy the fact that you are still living in the same house & getting to be friends. Start from the beginning sweety. You will feel better & better & better about yourself.