Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So after a week of calm down time Nick and I have rediscovered our friendship! I never ever remembered how much i loved his friend side. the batman stuff is so much better when you take the time to sit and watch it and the other things are great too! I have also made anouther new friend her name is me. I refound myself the girl i like she works out and enjoys to cook becasue she is so proud of the end result and cleans up after everything. She is hard working and loves the fast pace life and most of all she loves the people around her. She does not yell (well she trys not to) and she does not kick and scream when she does not get her way. She is just cool as hell! I really like her and I ama so glad we met because it was like i knew her evil twin sister for so long I forgot that her angel side was there. Nick and i have come to terms that what ever happens happens. I want him to just be happy! he is the man I fell in love with again and i relized the other day the reason he stopped being that man was because of me. i hate that this had to happen this way but in my heart i believe we will find our way back to each other. For now we are having fun what normal 18 and 21 yr olds do. We are enjoying being togther and spending time togther but our space and individuality is not being comprimised. i really like that! We are Friends and that is where we started four years ago and now we will have to restart with it four years later! I actually went up to him the other day and said "Hi my name is Jacquie, I think your really cute! want to be friends." He laughed at me and said "Yes i would love that, Im nick!"

1 comment:

Melissa said...


I am so proud of you for finding this out. It is a tough thing-- breaking up with someone you really love. I remember, though, that I once read an interview with Julia Roberts (don't laugh) where she was asked if she ever regretted any of the insane love relationships she had had. She said no. She had learned something about herself from every relationship she had been in. I have always tried to remember that when breakups have happened to me. I look at it and say, "What can I learn?" Anyway, I love you and am happy you are finding some kind of peace. :)