Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sarah's Birthday

So monday morning i woke up early and headed to the first day of school! I really enjoy my new classes and I look forward to keeping them up for the next what I guess 16 weeks! Anyway that is not what the entry is about. At 5:00 Katy and Steph came over to do my hair and it looked AMAZING!! with my new hair cut it is easy for the strait look to become well strait. Anyway We got ready and way cute and then headed to the Olive Garden to meet like 20 other people to celebrate Sarah's 20th birthday with her! It was a blast. The night was full of laughing and fun and most of all freindship! Happy Birthday Sarah i love you!

1 comment:

Aunt Sue said...

I love you! I am just gonna tell ya...not lovin' the straight look on you. It...well, makes your face look heavier...or somethin' I know you have always given me crap about not liking the staight look...but I still feel the same way I always did. are beautiful!