okay so i sortd it out fast and the site is linked on my page but is also right here
check it out and become a follower
For the love of writing and the love of telling people what I think, I have come back to my old blog. Previously known as Jacquie's Deep thoughts I am revamping it to create Mommy Mouse Clubhouse. I am so excited to jump back into blogging!!!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
my pumpkin!!!
A new kind of blog
hey all I have yet to decide how i am going to do this but I am going to create a second "blog" I really want to write a book and latley i have had all of these ideas for it so I think to start it up I am going to write a chapter per post on anouther blog. Jacquiesdeepthoughts will still be here but there will also be a link on my page to my book. I think it is going to happen i jaut feel all inspired and have ideas going through my head like crazy. If you want to know more write me on here and I will let you know the details. Like I said I dont know all the details yet but when I gt them worked out i will post it on here, Wish me luck
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
woot woot
So today I fought for America and fought for the right to live...I VOTED TODAY!!! I obviously voted for John Mccain...um...um...uh...if you believed that you are so dumb and know nothing about me. I of course voted for Barak Obama. I also got to fight for the amendements and I feel very strongly about one. The topic of 48: the abortion law. I voted no no no no on this law. I feel so strongly about womens rights to their own body. So I thought I would update and tell that I voted today and yeah me!!! Young voters get out there and please god...Let Obama WIN!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
well well long time ago....in a town not so far away...=)
hey all wow it has been a while a long while lol. Well I guess just start from the last time we spoke, on friday i headed home for seans speech meet and at 1 am a tired sissy crawled into bed with a sleeping mommy and after an hour of neither of us being able to shut up the two closed their eyes and fell into never never dream land. the next morning came all too quicly wheen mom and i awoke to the smll of coffee and a very very annoying alarm clock. I crawled out of bd only to find mom's lovely animals had decided it would be best if they marked thir territory all over my clothes. SO frustrated sissy went shopping in moms closet. The meet was so great and i loved judging! the kids were all so great and it ended up being so hard to pick but i did and after seeing brooke and playing a game of pony and the awards and a hg to mama barth I headed off. that is back to my mommys bed were we spent anouther night in chit chat land loving every minute of it! It was incredible to gt to do that. I loved it mom thanks for sharing ur bed with me. Sunday we slept in ys ladis and gentlmen you heard it here first Sue mueller dared to sleep till 9 o clock on a sunday morning!!! dun dun dun! she needed it though so i dared not to wake her and i slept in too. At noon we headed to mels baby shower. it was a blast we played games and ate incredible food and i presented little baby boy with a hand made blanket. YAH ME!!! So sunday ended with my daddy coming home!!! Well due to this it was back to the couch for me. I didnt mind it was great to see dad and mom and i had two nights of girly time. Monday I awoke to Sean saying opps I missed the bus and after some simple persuassion (i didnt want to wake up to take him) mom let sean ditch school and have a sissy sean day. We wnt to town and saw a really good movie and ended the night with ...um...political campaining. =) we had a blast and it was wonderful to spend a whole day with my lil bro!!! Tuesday brought anouther observation day and so off to PCHS I went and i got to spend some one on one time with my mentor mr. miller and it was so great!!! Wednesday was my last day at home and so a sad sissy set off on her two hour journey to Greeley to head home sweet home.
Thursday brought work as did friday and after work on friday me and nick and kat and paul and tabby and percilla and liz and hannah and drew and well lets just say a bunch of people from work headed over to the only place open when we all get off work on a friday night... Old Chicago. We ate some wings and played pool until like 2 in the morning and it was a blast hanging out with friend and dancing and just being in college. it was great. and at 2:30 am a very sleepy sissy curled up next to her honey and fell fast asleep in his arms. Saturday we had a freeze storm and everythiing was soooooo cold but work must go on so by 4 me and nick and kat were back in our aprons to head to work. I was starting to get the applified verson of what i thought was just something ba i ate but i went to work and was able to shak of my nausa. Sunday i woke up bright and early headed to work only to find I still felt like crap and it was getting worse. I had two tables that morning and one of them was just th sweetest. It was the grandmas 75th birthday and next week her and her husband would celebrate 50 years marriage. sothey invited to red lobster to celebrate their daughter their son in law and there two granddaughters one of which was marrid so hr hubby was there too. Whn I brought the drinks to the table i saw the grandmother sitting with a card in her hand balling, i assumed it was all th emotions of all the events being celebrated today until i saw the mom also crying her eyes out the mom turned to me and said, "I am gonna be a grandma!" and the grandma through her tears sqeezd out "Im gonna be a great grandma" I cant explain the feelings that rushed through my body but i was honored to be a part of this families life even for a moment in the memory. They ended up giviing me a peice of cake and a fourty dollar tip but the best part was the huug i got from the grandma now great grandma as she left the resturant and she whispred into my ear, "Im so happy for the fact that we had a waitress like you to share this with" It was so sweet I hugged her and went into the back were i cryed for the whole thing i think i got swept up in the moment but whatever i will never forget this family and hope to see them again soon.
Finally Monday today monday I went to class and on the way home decided for the sake of being causious I would make a dr appointment to see why i was sick. I went to the doctor where they ran tests and an ultra sound and before anyone freaks NO I AM NOT HAVING A BABY! I have better news from the doctor...I have a stomach ulsar! they put me on a specail diet and i have to be on it for two weeks if it does not get better I have to go back for medication. weeeee! Well anyway so after that i went to the store and got all the stuff i am allowed to eat for the next two weeks and then after Kat got off work WE CARVED PUMPKINNS!!! Yeah! Well tomorrow I am going in to early vote and then i dont know but whatever for now I am going to bed. So a very tired sissy is going to bed to lay next to her hony cuddle up with him and slip into dream land. Night all
love you
Thursday brought work as did friday and after work on friday me and nick and kat and paul and tabby and percilla and liz and hannah and drew and well lets just say a bunch of people from work headed over to the only place open when we all get off work on a friday night... Old Chicago. We ate some wings and played pool until like 2 in the morning and it was a blast hanging out with friend and dancing and just being in college. it was great. and at 2:30 am a very sleepy sissy curled up next to her honey and fell fast asleep in his arms. Saturday we had a freeze storm and everythiing was soooooo cold but work must go on so by 4 me and nick and kat were back in our aprons to head to work. I was starting to get the applified verson of what i thought was just something ba i ate but i went to work and was able to shak of my nausa. Sunday i woke up bright and early headed to work only to find I still felt like crap and it was getting worse. I had two tables that morning and one of them was just th sweetest. It was the grandmas 75th birthday and next week her and her husband would celebrate 50 years marriage. sothey invited to red lobster to celebrate their daughter their son in law and there two granddaughters one of which was marrid so hr hubby was there too. Whn I brought the drinks to the table i saw the grandmother sitting with a card in her hand balling, i assumed it was all th emotions of all the events being celebrated today until i saw the mom also crying her eyes out the mom turned to me and said, "I am gonna be a grandma!" and the grandma through her tears sqeezd out "Im gonna be a great grandma" I cant explain the feelings that rushed through my body but i was honored to be a part of this families life even for a moment in the memory. They ended up giviing me a peice of cake and a fourty dollar tip but the best part was the huug i got from the grandma now great grandma as she left the resturant and she whispred into my ear, "Im so happy for the fact that we had a waitress like you to share this with" It was so sweet I hugged her and went into the back were i cryed for the whole thing i think i got swept up in the moment but whatever i will never forget this family and hope to see them again soon.
Finally Monday today monday I went to class and on the way home decided for the sake of being causious I would make a dr appointment to see why i was sick. I went to the doctor where they ran tests and an ultra sound and before anyone freaks NO I AM NOT HAVING A BABY! I have better news from the doctor...I have a stomach ulsar! they put me on a specail diet and i have to be on it for two weeks if it does not get better I have to go back for medication. weeeee! Well anyway so after that i went to the store and got all the stuff i am allowed to eat for the next two weeks and then after Kat got off work WE CARVED PUMPKINNS!!! Yeah! Well tomorrow I am going in to early vote and then i dont know but whatever for now I am going to bed. So a very tired sissy is going to bed to lay next to her hony cuddle up with him and slip into dream land. Night all
love you
college life,
me me me,
my wild life,
new friends,
new house,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Missing my Mom
So I miss you, I really do I miss you so much, you are my best friend and it kills me to hav to do all of this without you. I know you and Daddy tryed to prepare us for this growing up thing but you forgot to teach us how not to miss you this much, how to do this without you. I was in class today and I was telling my classmates about how close we are and they were all jelous. i miss you so much mom! i am counting the days until Sunday to spend a whole day doing girl things with you and jus being us.
I love you
I love you
Really pretty song
my Ray Ray introduced me to this song and it gave me chills when I listened to it so I wantd to put it on here and dedicate it to my Daddy. I love you forever end ever daddy I miss you so much!
Monday, October 13, 2008
The end of the weekend

So on Saturday Joh and I had a blast we spent the day in our jammies making carmel apples and jello jigglers and haunted cookies. It was so so great to just have a down day having a blast. When night came we settled down to the couch and Paul cooked some chicken and we played X box and had alot of fun. Sunday morning came and it was so cold out ( a whopping 34 degrees) but Joh and I had already decided rain or shine w would use our tickets to eliches and use thm we did! By 11 we were out the door camera, water, tickets and coats in hand. We got to Eliches right as the gates opened and loved it. It was quickly decided we would not stay after dark because it was scary enough in the day. We went to the new Ghost blasters ride and did some little things in Toon Town including the new Trick or Treat street in the kids area. After alot of debat he rode some of the rides that Sissy wanted to go on and aftr a big fight I got him on the swings. That ended up being his favorite ride ever We rode it like 15 times. Then ina spur of the moment bravery Joh said "Sissy lets do the white roller coaster." "Really!!!!" I asked and with a smile on both our faces we made our way to Johs first roller coaster. He loved it He was a little scared to get on and then he loved it h got off laughng and we were both disapointed to find Sissy could not buy the picture because the cameras were off. Then the rain started so we swung into Toon town one last time excited to find a show and Joh and I got to get on stage and play with the members of the cast. He threw hoola hoops over my head and we won some candy. We finally ventred back to the car and headed to Grandmas right in time for the Broncos game to let out so LOVLEY traffic on I-25 but all in all it was a great weekend I love you buddy I miss you already! next weekend I will venture up the hill to judge Seans home speech meet and go to Missas baby shower and do my last observation for my EDU class. Im excited!! Until next time lots of love,
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Anouther win for my team this weekend!!! GO PCHS!! And my brother Sean kicked butt again and took home fourth this week! You are going up dude!! See you all next week!
Joh Joh time
So yesterday was a long awaited moment for me! My mom and Dad had agreed to let Joh come up to the house and spend the weekend with me! He was told if his school work got done he could come. So After class yesteerday I ventured down 85 to go gt my yo! I met mom and we headed toward AIMS for the free family movie night. Wall-e was showing and they gave out free pizza and popcorn and candy and we watched the movi it was a blast. After the movie we wnt to Red Lobster and Joh told me "Im starving Sissy!" So he got Snow Crab legs and mashed potatoes and then finished it all off with Chocloate cake. When we got back it was late but I wanted to show him the coolest new thing in my house...On Demand. He was entranced ass I showed him how he could put on and pick any Spongebob or Pokemon he wanted. He loved it. I woke up this morning to the sound of Nickolodeon (sp) on demand. He was watching spongebob. We had Chicken Nuggets for breakfast and then we did homework. The TV went off and we worked on spelling and sentences. After a little bit of a talking to because of crtain school work. He was back to happy chasing Skittlz around the house and turning on Pokemon on demand. I must say he really has gotten the hang of it. Toay weare going to just chill out and then Tomorrow we are heading to Elichs for the AIMS fundraiser. Then meeting mom at Grandma and Pops and I will have to say good by to my babe again. i will write more later about the rest of the weekend and post pics eventually.
Talk to you later
Talk to you later
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
okay I know
Okay I know my last post was lame but I wanted to take it and my myspace already has one. Who knows maybe you will be inspired to do one of your own...maybe you will learn something about me, Its not as cheesy as it looks!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Time to just chill
Well once a week a blessed day comes and it is the best day because it is my day. All I have to do on this particular day is go to school. I am done with that at noon. On this day I come home around 12:30 and just relax. I watch Days and maybe clean the house a little, eat and read my book. Then I do WHATVER It is my day and my favorite day of the week. No work, just me, my book, and One Tree Hill! That day is...Monday!! lol I know it sounds so crazy but I love mondays. I long ago decided that I had to have one day a week that was for studying and homework and down time and then One Tree Hill started again and it was on mondays, hence mondays became my day. I love it. There is nothing that I have to do, and nothing that I dont want to do, do I do. Today was a great day and I thought I would share how much I love, yes mondays! lol
On anouther note Joh Joh is coming up for Sissy and Joh weekend this weekend and I so can not wait. A I have a whole weekend off and B I get to spend that weekend with my yo. Big yeah! I will make sure to post some pics from the weekend, I have bigs plans. On Friday AIMS is doing a free movie night showing Wall-e before it even comes out on DVD so we are going to that. Then Saturday is chill out day probably some park time and some chilling together. Sunday I bought two tickets to go to the AIMS fundraisr at Eliches so we are going to that for the day!! Very excited Bubah I can not wait!
Oh yeah one last happy note I FOUND MY CELL CHARGER!!! Anyone who want to can now text me or call me on it it is woking again! Yeah sissy!
Okay well I am going to go and challenge Nick to a game of Road Rage on the X-box because I can and he likes to play vido games with his honey... lol I know Im a dork but you love me!
On anouther note Joh Joh is coming up for Sissy and Joh weekend this weekend and I so can not wait. A I have a whole weekend off and B I get to spend that weekend with my yo. Big yeah! I will make sure to post some pics from the weekend, I have bigs plans. On Friday AIMS is doing a free movie night showing Wall-e before it even comes out on DVD so we are going to that. Then Saturday is chill out day probably some park time and some chilling together. Sunday I bought two tickets to go to the AIMS fundraisr at Eliches so we are going to that for the day!! Very excited Bubah I can not wait!
Oh yeah one last happy note I FOUND MY CELL CHARGER!!! Anyone who want to can now text me or call me on it it is woking again! Yeah sissy!
Okay well I am going to go and challenge Nick to a game of Road Rage on the X-box because I can and he likes to play vido games with his honey... lol I know Im a dork but you love me!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Legend lives on

This is a short shout out! To my brother...SEAN YOU DA MAN!!! For all of the people who dont know Sean joined Speech team with me last year and has continued to do it this year as well. Well Sean had his first meet today and recieved 5th place in his Drama Interp. So not only is my little brothr keeping up the Mueller Amazingness in speech but he is doing it IN DRAMA INTRP. (this was my ara of expertise) and this was only his first meet. As for the team They won...Of course and that is the way it needs to be lol!! You gus are amazing! Make Mama Barth's last year the best ever!!! I miss you team and I am cheering you guys on EVERY weekend! Sean I am so proud of you and I cant wait for your home meet in 2 weeks! I am so excited to see you in action dude. You make me a little more proud to be your sister every day!
September 27th two years down a life time to go

On septemeber 27th I woke up, that was step one. September 27th as everyone knows is very close to me and it being the two year aniversary was hard. I had a day planned of things and to be honest the best part of that was that was if I didnt stop going I didnt have to think about what day it was and maybe just maybe I could get through it without crying. That was a lost idea. As I was getting dressed to go to the St. Judes fair at chilis I decided that In honor of the day I was going to wear my PCHS Seniors shirt. It was fitting. As I looked at myself in the mirror I started it, I got a littl teared up but I was late so I grabbed sunglasses to make sure noone would see me cry at work. I must admit I did cry almost all the way to work. However when I got there I felt better and my friends at work were so sweet. They all kept me laughing and soon I was fine. Nick joined me at the fair as a volenteer. We paintd faces played gmes listened to music all that fun stuff. It was a great day and a perfect lasst memory to have with my chilis Family. As it ended I jumped into Minnie and called mom it was detrmined that w would met at flat irons to head to CSU. When we got there Nick and I got our Team Ayden Shirts and we followed all of us to the campus. We were by far the biggest team there. I spent tim seeing Ayden and palying with him in ice fights and just talking. Ayden is an amazing talker for his age. I played with Anna and then the walk started. When I saww all the balloons lit up and Ayden so strong and incredible I cryed again. Nick grabbed my waist and let me cry. I cryed for Emily and the day but I cryed even more for the strenghth of all of these people and they are all so amazing and look at all these balloons. It was incredible. In the end I went home with my family and spent the night and next day in Bailey with Joh and Sean and it was perfect. I love when I get to go hom and be with them. I love you guys! I love you emily and We all miss you every day. I know some people may read this and think I should get over it but the pain of that day will live with me forever so I will cry a few tears every year on the 27th of September and that is allowed that is not dwelling on it tht is remembering it and giving it the respect it deserves.
I love you all
*I love u guys*
my wild life,
new friends,
working girl
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