So Yesterday was interesting. The day started off so amazing Nick Got approved for Snoball, I was on time to first hour...give or take ten minutes...Mr. hersfeild was very nice. Then I got to the time before second and third hour and relized that my bluetooth (that I had relized was still on going into the school so I whipped it off and put it in my backpacks frount pocket) well apperently I opened my backpack too fast somewhere and now my bluetooth is gone! Fantastic! Then I go to tell Sean hello while he is at Lunch and he looks a little upset to say the least so I then find out that his ex-girlfriend has now begun to tell people she is going to Snoball and has dumped my brother as her date, which has really upset him, I now am in defensive sister mode and want to break her as she broke my brothers heart! It take two of my friends to hold me back as she passes me in the halls because I so badly want to scream at her! I have told my friends that the only reason I havent hit her yet is Because I am a senior and don't want to loose my Diploma. So that helped! On a WONDERFUL note I did go to the office and find that the musical call back list was posted and I WAS ON IT!!! SO I went to call backs and sung a really cool Suessical song that I think is the most fun! and I learned that five more of us have to get cut before the cast is picked! *GULP* that list gets posted on Friday!
Coming home I was so excited I went strait downstairs to call nick and tell him the news. Mom calls and gives me what I now relize was constructive critisum but at the time I called attacking me and "Telling me what a shitty job I do taking care of the house while she was gone." This brings an explosion of emotions and I am going off. I scream rant and rave and by the time it is over EVERYONE is mad at me! That finally blew over and all is good.
I awoke this morning, from a really good dream i might add, to the phone at 5:13 AM saying due to Inlimate Weather Platte Canyon School Disrict would be closed today! Which Kind of bummed me out as I has Valentines gifts for all my friends and a REALLY cute outfit for the day! All well I guess I will wear it tomorrow. Mom and I have been sitting here talking since I got up at nine and I must admit I missed waking up to seeing her and sitting in this office talking while she worked. I know that she is doing things that need to be done buit I do miss her and it is nowhere near as much fun to watch Days without her! I wonder what it will be like in 4 months when i move out...We will probably have a really high phone bill I hope we have a good plan. =)
Tonight I get to go to work where I do have all the suprises for them that I have had planned for a while now.
We are just a big family there and I must say I LOVE BEING A CHILIHEAD! Well that is it for now I'll keep you all upated with the musical and the snow and the life and the blah blah blah just keep reading and I'll keep writing.

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