The power of a smile is unmeasurable. Poeple all over smile but have you ever had a bad day and walk past someone who turns to you gives you a smile and for even a moment things brighten up. Today Was an okay day for me however when I was told of a difficult thing going on in school I was able to stop completly freting when my teacher turned to

me smiled and said, "It's okay, we'll fix this." Did you ever stop to think that maybe just maybe

you can brighten someones day with your smile? My boss gave me an evaluation a couple of months ago, it went amazing and everything I was doing was great, then she gave me one of the best compliments I have ever recived. She looked at me and said "Your smile is contagious, I can be having the worst day of my life and I will walk into work see you and then you smile and tell me hello and I cant help but to smile at you and feel a little better." My co-workers have told me the same thing and I must admit it is so flattering.

Look at any of the smiles in this entry, all of the pictures that are in here and tell me...did you smile? Even for a moment? Did you get a tingly warm feeling? was it worth reading this silly little entry and understanding what it means just to see people at their happiest? If not you are reading the WRONG blog! If yes then you now know what I mean when I say smiles are the best medicine or

smiles are the best look. Maybe even to say Smiling is the best way to go through life. Go out now find someone who needs it and smile. I know I have and I will continue to do it for the rest of my life...What other way is there to live?
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