As this is my first blog, it might be lame. However a place to write all of my thoughts down seems nice. As I have watched several friends and my Aunt Blog throughout the months It got me thinking Why not ? I thought of all the things going on and I think it would be wonderful to do this. My life isnt too intense right now but cool things happen every day and lord knows I do go through moments when I need to write what is on my mind. I would love to have you all keep in touch. As I did say right off the bat I know it is going to be lame, it is my first time but I swear as time goes on it will become better and less repeditive. I love to write and so this is something to get it all out. Well As for now here it goes.

peech season just ended in my senior year of high school and It has begun to make me freak out! I am graduating, graduating and not just that but in 3 MONTHS!!! AHHHH! For the most part my body is filled with the excitment of what is to come and what life holds for me as I journey into that, however the other like 10% of me wants to hide under my blankets and say "Mommy I think I'm sick can you excuse me from the rest of my life?" Lame I know but I'm like that. For the most part Nick says I dont think enough however this time I may just be overthinking something for the first time in my life! What I guess this is all about this time is fear, I don't want it to be there but maybe just maybe it is the fear that keeps us going, the fear of tomorrow makes us want to get there so the fear goes away but then it does and it wasnt so bad, then it just goes from there. Maybe that is the thing that will make a scared high school senior become a prepared, excited and somewhat nervous Adult.
jacquie ur a freak we graduate in 4 months. belle is only 6 months. TODAY!!! and she will be 10 months old when we graduate. ur silly.
haha I guess I am counting wrong my bad Gosh I cant believe she is that big! do you have a blog???
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