Well Another week down and god only knows how many left to go until I can say I only am an alumni of Platte Canyon High. I am taking some Fuin classes for my last semester. I have Goverment (big yeah) Choir (kinda cool) and Physical Science (BIG BUMMER!) My Goverment Teacher is simply the best though! He is so into his job and it shows. He obviously loves each and every one of his students and he shows that everyday when he shows up to class pumped ready and roaring to go, even if we are not. As my first period it is often hard to be awake, coherant and exactly excited about class, it being 7 AM and all. Mr. Otteson Though has made it so it is fun to come to his class every day and has made it so we stay intrested. From his sudden outbursts of a random word to keep our attention to his pause and think about it look that always gives me a chuckle He is a fantastic teacher! Choir agian a very cool teacher Walters is the kind of I can do anything musical type but I am here for this class now and It is great because the songs we sing are not the plain dull things like "Ave Maria" (nothing personal its just so dull) instead we are singing things like "Do you love me" and "A Tribute to Queen" It is great and definitly keeps us roaring to go. Physical Science is not a bad teacher, actually she is fantastic I just SUCK at math. which there happens to be ALOT of in this class. Its okay Ill get it!
Speech is over as I said in my very first entry and it is sad because I am going to miss it SOOO much! Mama Barth fully deserves the Mama part of her name. She would do anything for her students (even the ones not in her class) and she truly cares too. I ended speech season with 3 BOE's (1st places) and many other ribbons in Drama Duet with my AMAZING partner Brooke. We also got 3rd place in State and will be moving onto NAQUALS (National Qualifing compition) for our chance to compete in nationals and go to Las Vegas to compete this summer! I really want to do this I mean how cool would that be to compete in Nationals! I also did Drama Interp this season and did well with that. I recieved many ribbons including a 3rd place and a 2nd place but nowhere near the excitment of Drama Duet in that catogory. I can't believe it is all over but I will be back Next year as a Judge! BEWARE lol jk! =)
My friends are all doing great but I had to do a little blurp on them as they are simply amazing! There is Kat who is my outgoing fun loving amazing friend who will do anything to be with her friends and most times will do anything for her friends. She is fantastic! There is Brooke Who I could not have done speech without and also has stood by me through everything bad happening right now! She is probably my best friend! Then the othrs like Ashley, Tara, Sierra,Josh, Rob and all the rest of you I love you guys so much! I don't know what I would do without them eather. They get me through the hardest of times. Erik is in the Air Force serving his country and doing whatever he has to for his college education and I am soo proud to call him my friend. Joey has gotten me through so much the last couple months, between helping me pass my classes and keeping me in line (in many ways) and helping me through everything bad that has been happening in my life. The last friend I want to mention is martha. To me she is the most amazing! Martha is 17She has avery high GPA scored well on her ACTs is aceptted to her 1st choice college AND Martha is a mom to a 6 month old little girl. I thnk she is beyond amazing and I love and respect her everyday for evrything she has done and everything she has accomplished. I love her so much! You are amazing Mar!

The last thing I was planning on mentioning is the biggest person in my life...My Nick. he is the reason I do well and
the reason I am who I am. Having been a freshman when I met him I have truly been formed by him and the love we share. Through all of the hard times we have gone through we are strong and looking more toward forever every day. He has been there in my good times and here for me through everything we are going through right now. He is the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without him!

I guess the theory of this whole thing is that life is short and no matter who you are you have someone of some people to share it with. Look at all of their positives and enjoy them for who they are. The people in my life even the ones not metioned in this blog (Family, you guys will get ur own blog l8tr) make my life go round and I love each and every one of you for all you do to make my life what it is today!
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