That was so nice! Thanksgiving came right in time I was getting to miss my family sooo much and then boom there was thanksgiving! Thankfulness was in my blood. The night before nick and I had stayed up all night Him cooking a chicken walnut salad me baking a cake. It was so perfect!!! So we got there at one o clock and nick was sent out for some last minute purchases. Then we ate and ate and ate it was so good! After we ate we cleaned and just hung out it was so great! Then Dessert came and Kona and I shared some delicious Cheese cake, butterscotch cake and a slice of my cake which i have named the Devils heaven cake. but the wonderful part was when I brought back another tradition and we played some board games. Imagine if was the game of the night. When I was young we used to play Cranium as a family and it was great. This year i am kind of in the habit of bringing back traditions so this one had to come too. We played to rounds all of which Sean Won and it was so fun! After all the fun of the games was The incredibles. Joh Joh and I cuddled up in the big lazy boy chair and Daddy and mom where on the couch and Pop was plopped in the other Chair and We watched the Incredibles. joh and I headed down to the basement to join nick in the movie veiwing of home Alone and then we did magic tricks and go fish and war it was a great night! I can not wait until this saturday when The Cookie baking tradition comes back into action! thanks to me! Hope to see you all at my place on Saturday! Love you all
For the love of writing and the love of telling people what I think, I have come back to my old blog. Previously known as Jacquie's Deep thoughts I am revamping it to create Mommy Mouse Clubhouse. I am so excited to jump back into blogging!!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Katys Bday
So Katys birthday has come and Went and so as her buddy I put myself in charge of making her birthday awesome! So anyway when her birthday rolled around I was a thru at work. (meaning I come in at 11 and work strait till 4) When I got off Kat and I headed out for a couple last minute gifs and then headed to the house. when we got home nick was already in the kitchen cooking the linguini and the sauce. We also had salad and garlic bread. It was so nice. We ate and then we opened gifts. Nick and I got her a new jornal and coloring set and a coloring book and a stuffed animal and a frog bracelet. No this is not a kid it is a 19 year old lol I know but i love her. Anyway then We watched V for Vendetta and then we had CAKE! Which I MADE!!! i didnt take any pictures of that cake but it was a two layer white cake with Cream cheese frosting decorated with faries. AND I MADE IT MYSELF!!! i was sooooo excited. The night ended at like 11 and Katy went home but thanfully i got a text the next day while i was in class thanking me and telling me it was a wonderful birthday! I love you bug! I hope it was a birthday to rememeber!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
sharing something funny
So I had to share these I am so going to hell for what i do to my pets =) enjoy:
Skittlz is my Santa baby!
Santa kitten
so cute in their outfits
the kittens snuggle
Bruno wearing his Antlers!!! he looks soooo cute in them and really does not care one bit about them being on him.
Skittlz as Santa in her santa suit
skittlz was an elf!!
and she got really tired so she fell over!
I know I am a terrible human! But you laughed and you know it!

I know I am a terrible human! But you laughed and you know it!
So On Sunday after I did all the bloging and was going to sleep I looked at my hair while Nick was playing with it and relized how dry and unhappy my dead ends were making it. So to the bathroom I headed to trim off the dead ends, some VERY unhappy ten minutes later I walked out of the bathroom my hair in a ponytail balling! Nick grabbed me and asked "honey whats wrong?" I pulled my hair out of the pony. It was very Very clearly uneven. He looked at it and held back the laugh I know was on his lips and said its okay babe you can go to the stylist tomorrow after class and they can fix it. I started crying harder. They are goiong to have to cut it all off! I replied. He snickered a little but not to much and told me it was okay they would fix it and my hair would grow back. Well I did not relize how right i was. Monday after class I went to Cost cutters and there they cut off anouther inch of my hair. Total I lost three inches and my hair is sooooo short. I came home okay with it until that night. I was laying in bed and started crying. Nick asked what was wrong. I looked at him and said I let them cut off my only pretty thing. He smiled and held me tight and reassured me it was not my only pretty thing and that he thought my hair looked sexy and very cute. i still think it is too short but Nick is right it will grow back and at least it doesnt look bad it is just really short. All well live and learn. I learned not to cut my own hair EVER again!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Why do I type?
Okay so I just sat down and typed I think four new blogs and talked about everything. i know that mom reads these but does anyone else? I really hope you all are and if you are leave a comment. Let me know you enjoy this so i have the desire to blog almost everyday! There is ALOT of new blogs so enjoy the reads!
Oh yeah to those people I got intreasted in the book... I am heading to that blaog when I finish here and I am going to try to write Chapter one. I know it took forever but good things come to those who wait.
love you
Oh yeah to those people I got intreasted in the book... I am heading to that blaog when I finish here and I am going to try to write Chapter one. I know it took forever but good things come to those who wait.
love you
me me me,
my wild life,
the fallen petal,
Feeling like I am in middle school
So Kat had a really rough day today she found out that a very close friend of hers passed away on saturday night and she was pretty devistated about it and despite all the diffrences we have been feeling toward each other latley she was crying and is my best friend so I sat with her as she read all the goodbyes on pine cam and left her alone for a little while. I called her up for dinner and she informed me that Katy would be over soon. We all went downstairs and instead of talking we decided that it would be better just to make her smile. So at first we were talking and jsut laughing well then I could not tell you what happened to make it start but Kat ran upstairs and Katy Steph and I chased her up with Pillows. The guys sitting on the couch paused there movie just to see four girls laughing hystraclly and hitting each other with pillows and then run downstairs. Before I knew it we had divided into teams. Me and Kat vs. Katy and Steph. We all laughed so hard and so much harder then i could ever describe on here but trust me we laughed and laughed and laughed. katy jumped onto the bed and I folowed her and Kat and Steph became the audience to full on wrestling match which quickly resaulted in me folded in half next to Kats bed feeling cramped so once they stopped laughing enough to get me out we switched teams. Katy and me Vs Kat and Steph. After a few Kat and Katy were sitting on the bed just laughing there butts off at me and steph going full force at each other laughing and smacking with the pillows. Laughing and laughing and laughing and even sad Kat was busting into tears laughing so hard. Kat has like ten pictures of it and when I get them from her i will put them up. We laughed and had a blast and before we knew it an hour had passed in pillow fighting world. Nick came down to make sure we were not dead because the girl squeelez and laughter had died down the most it had in like an hour and a half. We sat and talked for a little while longer but to be honest at the end of the night Kat went with Katy to spend the night at her place and I settled to type all of this but I do know one thing...Kat left this house with a smile on her face. I know that we can not take away the pain you are feeling right now honey but I know that we can ease it. Please remember I love you and there is always time in my day for a pillow fight to cheer you up! i had a blast and I cant remember the last time I laughed that hard and that long. I love you Kat and I know that Renie was smiling tonight watching you smile and laugh and be happy. be happy live your life, she is always with you
Rest in Peace Renie Thomas... You will be missed!
Rest in Peace Renie Thomas... You will be missed!
my wild life,
new friends,
The pics I promised
Paul and
For those of you who dont know who Paul is he is one of the roomates in the house and also is Nick's best friend since fifth grade. Paul and I have really never goten along probably something to do with us both being in Nicks life. I fell in love with Nick and Paul was scared for his best friend. However today I think He and I finally declared we not only can get along great but make a pretty good friendship. So Paul and i were left chilling at the house once grandma and Grandad left and as paul poured a bowl of ceral I made the coment "We NEED to shop." The fridge was emptier then Gaundis (sp) Stomach. So after he finished his ceral we headed out. We ventured to Walmart in Minnie Moe (freshly spot cleaned I might add) and we went into Walmart our budget : what it took to fill the fridge. So we grabbed a cart and headed toward the fruits. After getting fruits and vegis we headed to the meats and got a lot of that them lunch meat and then up and down EVERY isle. I bought EVERYTHING we needed. (and some we didnt but you know what who cares) We bought everyting from Bananas to ice cream to yogurt to cottage cheese to chicken to fajita stuff (which paul made for dinner) The cart was full and we headed to the cleaning department. We bought the toliet stickers from scrubbing bubbles and carpet stain remover and draino (my thick hair clogged my tub) and then we checked out the total was....well lets say we each (all four of us) owe $68. WE DID SO GOOD!!! The best feeling was unloading it all. As we put it all away I filled the fridge as paul unloaded the rest into the appropriate cabinet. (canned food, boxed food, junk food ect...) (no mom Junk food is NOT the most full of them all) So we took a before and after picture Which I will be posting in the next blog. I have yet to download them. Well while we were shopping in the junk food isle we came across the Betty Crocker um what are they called oh uh Warm Delights that is it. Paul commented he had never had one, that was it...We had to buy some. Sadly to reward ourselves for a good job shopping noone in the house but paul and I even know the warm delights were purchesed (lol) we ate all of them. So waiting tilol we had to go and get Kat and Nick from work we settled into the couch and watched "Lake house" which is so incredible. Paul had seen it and I had not and when he found that out he sat me down and said I had to see it. With every twist and turn I asked a question he simply said you will see with a smile. When he movie was over we loaded into the truck (nick had his bike) and headed to lobster. Once we got there Paul and I relized we forgot a couple things so we all four headed back to wally world Kat and I in the bed of the truck it was so fun! We bought two new phones and picture frames and printed out some pictures. They are so old and so cute. One was of Nick and Paul in the sixth grade. So as paul destracted Nick from seeing what I was doing I made like thirty copies of this picture. it was great. (I'll post a copy of it on here with the pictures of the fridge.) So then we headed home and all settled in and then the girls came be cnt
college life,
me me me,
my wild life,
Grandma and Grandad
So I got to see grandma and grandad and it was so nice! They came saw and went but it was nice just to show off what I have been doing up here for five almost six months now. They got here at like 9:30 (thank god I didnt sleep till my alarm) They got here and I gave them the tour. They thought that the house was nice and they really loved to see where I am at in my life and all that good stuff. They got the tour and after I had arranged a ride for Kat to work we went out to the egg and I and ate. It was really nice. after that we went to AIMS and I gave a kindof tour to them of the outside but I was able to get a few pictures in and show Grandad and Grandma where I was going to school. Then we headed back to my place and just chilled for a couple more minutes and they were off. I hope that they are proud of all that i am doing up here and really hope that they love it all. Thanks for coming up guys it really meant alot. I hope I can continue to make you proud and i love you.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Showing off my lights
It beggining to look alot like Christmas
Yes yes I know it is only November but I dont give a hoot. Grandma and Grandad are coming tomorrow to see the house and I am so excited. So yesterday when I made $150.00 at work for a friday night!! (HELLS YEAH) I went with nick and paul out to walmart and we bought so much christmas stuff. Lights and light up trees and light up snow men and there are four of those (like how many room mates there are) and more lights and a "Santa Stop here" sign and just everything. So at midnight in the 29 degree weather (we have a thermometer attached to the side of the house so yes I know it was 29 degrees) we started hanging christmas lights. Isicles hang from the roof and colors light up the deck. Little christmas trees fill our yard glowing in all their glory and four little snowmen are chillign happily in the yard. (I will try to snap a picture tonight and post it for you all) It is incredible. At three AM we finished up and headed to the street to admire all of our work and happily we only ran into one broken connection solved by an extra extention cord. It was perfect. My first house on my first christmas on my own looks amazing. When we came inside Paul made some INCREDIBLE homemade hot chocolate and we all sat on the couch just lookign out the window. It was perfect. Thank you honey and Thank you paul. I never ever thought I would say it but Paul you are like the best roommate I could have ever asked for and thanks for that. You are becoming a great friend and I am happy to say we only "hate" each other a little and it goes away a little every day lol. Honey you are the best and i am so grateful to have you in my life. I have the best man ever to stand by my side. So Merry Christmas all and welcome to the Holiday season!
college life,
my wild life,
new house,
How low will they go???

A question on my mind I had to blog about it so that someday I can look back and say YES I PAID THAT FOR.....GAS!!!!! I filled up minnie moe yesterday for wait for it wait for it...$20.00 Yes I did and there is pictures to prove it (I know I sound so lame saying I took pictures of the gas station but hey I only paid $1.84 a gallon! That is really exciting stuff! So yeah lol I hope that you all can expirence the pure happiness this brings to my soul and hopefully yours when you get to pay $1.84 a gallon (yes mom for unleaded) okay well that is the blog on Gas.
Friday, November 14, 2008
YEAH Grandma and Grandad
So I got off of work last night and oh what a night. I wanted to call mom and tell her about a table that I got a $70 tip off of. I was so excited and so I called her and told her all about it. The first thing I heard was "Were your ears burning." So I laughed and told her about my night and then was informed that Grandma and Grandad had decided that they were up to the two hour drive to Sissy's house!!! They are coming up on Sunday and are going to see the house and hopefully leave full of pride! We are going to go out to breakfast and i am so excited!!!! Really i can not wait and I looked up a recipe for lemon squares part because I want to bake for them and partly because I just really want lemon squares. LOL Nick and I were starting the Christmas decorating you know Cause we wanted to but now We are doing it because It will be great to show them everything I am so proud to say that I have accomplished in a short 6 months. Well I thought I would share I am so so excited and cant wait until sunday!!!
I will update you and tell you more about how it goes and everything. Off to History class.
I will update you and tell you more about how it goes and everything. Off to History class.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
New smear is upon us
So the new smear of college is upon us and I have begun to select my classes. I had a blast with my classes this smear and I have decided that college is great. My new schedule will have me going and going and going. So far I have math 030, Martial arts, bowling, and 20th century world history. I am meeting with my advisor probably on friday and we will figure out how to work in English comp 122, western civ 1 and probably German 1. that is alot but i am so excited! I really am looking forward to my martial arts and Bowling class because it is the PE classes i need and they seem like fun. Plus Ill get all skinny for the summer in martial arts! The big thing is that in all of that I have to fit in my work schedule that runs around 30 hours a week also. Who would have guessed I had it in me. Nick thinks I am slightly crazy because I am doing so much next smear and I have to agree but i think it will be fun and that is what matters. As my 1st smear nears an end I am getting grades and so far I have An A in Student expirence and a B in Englisg comp 121 and an A in US history 2 I am so excited I have good grades GO ME!!! lol =) So anyway I am gonna go I have a test in US history next period. STUDY lol I should be fine. So yeah i will write later!
college life,
my wild life,
working girl
Friday, November 7, 2008
DADDY! its me!!! lol
okay so On Friday the schedules for work came out and low and behold nick and i both had monday tuesday and most of wednesday off and school had been called off for the elections so nick and i powwowed and decied it would be fun to drive up on monday sometime and suprise mom for her birthday!! so monday morning I got up and took a little money to the store I bought mom three new shirts and fuzzy socks and underwear nd in true Jacquie form framed three pictures for her to have. perfect so with gift and overnight bag in hand Nick and I ventured with Minnie moe to bailey. Well when we were driving throught Aspen park I remembered that mom should still be in ty kwon do so I told nick to pull off there and we would walk in and yeah!! Well my plan was destoyed when rocket was no where to be found so a discrete call to mom gave me all i needed to know they were at red lobster for her bday dinner and heading home. Cool so we headed home and as I was unlocking the door we heard dads truck coming down the road so without thinking we ran in and slammed the door not putting the lock box back on and ot re locking the door. Joh then sitting with dad in the truck spotted me. "Daddy someone is in our house" dad didnt see anything so told Joh he was crazy lol Well you know joh "no daddy really I saw somone in our house" So a panicked papa bear left joh in the truck with his cell and told him in worse case lock the doors and call 911. So dad comes in the door and with a big man i will kill anyone in my house that is not supposed to be voice and a heavy flashlight I might add gos "hello!!!!" we did nothing "HELLO!!!!" It was about that time i thought Dad might kill us if he came around the corner and saw us so we popped out of the kitchen and yelled hi daddy its us!!! So after h was not terrified and calmed to a oh its sissy face he was happy to see us. Sean came iin the next car getting home from work and the best part is he comes in th kitchen looks at nick and i walks out and thn comes stubbling back in and goes wait what are you guys doing here!!! lol I about died laughing. Then it was the moment we drove home for mom comes in the door and joh dragged her to the kitchen yelling i have a suprise for you!!! in comes mom smiling ear to ear you guys didnt have to drive all the way home. but we did so momm and i did what we do best and talked whil sean and nick "re unitd" did what they did best played video games. It was a great couple days and nick and I watched the election !!!!!! YES OBAMA!!!! We headed home both of us smiling and missing the family a little already! See you guys soon I love you all and HAPPPPPY 40th mom you dont look a day over 25! (except you have an 18 year old daughter yeah I am what ages you! lol but really i love you)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween woot woot
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