Sunday, November 16, 2008

Why do I type?

Okay so I just sat down and typed I think four new blogs and talked about everything. i know that mom reads these but does anyone else? I really hope you all are and if you are leave a comment. Let me know you enjoy this so i have the desire to blog almost everyday! There is ALOT of new blogs so enjoy the reads!

Oh yeah to those people I got intreasted in the book... I am heading to that blaog when I finish here and I am going to try to write Chapter one. I know it took forever but good things come to those who wait.

love you

1 comment:

Aunt Sue said...

Now Jacq's, don't sound like someone else we know with a blog. Do it for yourself & for prosperity & know that most people never comment. I would love it if people would comment on mine too, but they never do! It's okay, it's for you & your future. Someday when computers look like who knows what, your blog will still be out there in Cyberspace & perhaps your kids will look at it & read it & laugh. : ) It is the best way to create a day by day time capsule. I am not very good at keeping up my blog either, but I make sure to hit the highlights (even if takes me a while to update it).

Sometimes I look back & it makes me remember that I am a good Mom & that I do have great friends & on days when I am down, I like to look back & smile.

But, today I must update about Mr. Orion, b/c he is the newest love of my life & I can't wait to see him & hold him again!

Love you!
