Saturday, November 15, 2008

It beggining to look alot like Christmas

Yes yes I know it is only November but I dont give a hoot. Grandma and Grandad are coming tomorrow to see the house and I am so excited. So yesterday when I made $150.00 at work for a friday night!! (HELLS YEAH) I went with nick and paul out to walmart and we bought so much christmas stuff. Lights and light up trees and light up snow men and there are four of those (like how many room mates there are) and more lights and a "Santa Stop here" sign and just everything. So at midnight in the 29 degree weather (we have a thermometer attached to the side of the house so yes I know it was 29 degrees) we started hanging christmas lights. Isicles hang from the roof and colors light up the deck. Little christmas trees fill our yard glowing in all their glory and four little snowmen are chillign happily in the yard. (I will try to snap a picture tonight and post it for you all) It is incredible. At three AM we finished up and headed to the street to admire all of our work and happily we only ran into one broken connection solved by an extra extention cord. It was perfect. My first house on my first christmas on my own looks amazing. When we came inside Paul made some INCREDIBLE homemade hot chocolate and we all sat on the couch just lookign out the window. It was perfect. Thank you honey and Thank you paul. I never ever thought I would say it but Paul you are like the best roommate I could have ever asked for and thanks for that. You are becoming a great friend and I am happy to say we only "hate" each other a little and it goes away a little every day lol. Honey you are the best and i am so grateful to have you in my life. I have the best man ever to stand by my side. So Merry Christmas all and welcome to the Holiday season!

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