For the love of writing and the love of telling people what I think, I have come back to my old blog. Previously known as Jacquie's Deep thoughts I am revamping it to create Mommy Mouse Clubhouse. I am so excited to jump back into blogging!!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
How I found out
Well It was about 4 weeks ago...I was feeling sick and thought i was about 4 days late. I could feel it, i just knew it something was diffrent. After talking to my friend Amanda we decided to hang out at her house for the night. before heading to Amandas I stopped at Safeway picking up the basics for a sleepover...chips, a movie, sparkling water and... an at home pregnancy test. When i got there she was standing at the top of the stairs. i threw the chips at her then the water and the movie and last but now least with a little look I threw her the test. She looked at me in disbelief..."what? um what is this?" I just looked up at her and said, "Im late" She looked in disbelief at me, "Well go take it!" "I dont have to pee" She smiled and we headed to the kitchen. As we started cooking dinner she looked at me with pleading eyes and said, "OMG Jacquie go take it! i want to know if your pregnant." I smiled and said okay. Heading up the stairs i was terrified, A baby? I always wanted to be a mom but was this the! I finally calmed myself saying if it happens it was meant to happen. I took the test and set it down going back downstairs and honestly coming back upstairs 5 minutes later I never expected my life was about to change forever. All Amanda heard was OH....MY.....GOD! She came running up stairs to see me about pass out she grabbed the test and staired at it and then me. maybe its wrong...or take one! I looked at her with pleading eyes! She agreed and we went downstairs she went into the other bathroom as she squated. she came out and said, nope not broken mine is negative, as We both knew it would be. there was one more test. Let me eat and ill take it! ok...We finished eating and I went into the bathroom this time refusing to be the one to look first. Amanda being the amazing friend she is went in first. She came out test in hand this time the test had take one minute flat I was definitly going to have a baby.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Light the night Walk 2009
hey guys I have been working my butt off to promote this Walk. Team Ayden is going to be bigger and better and just as amazing as ever this year! September 12, 2009 CU Boulder! Walk for Ayden and love the closeness! email me for any questions and watch this video for the reason why you should log onto search team ayden and sign up to walk today!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
i dont have much to report and even if I did it would be a boring blog all about me and although I know you all LOVE ;) to read about me! I thought instead I would share something with you. I heard a song today and I think I heard it before when I was younger but now it really speaks to me! I am going to post the video below really just stop your busy day for 5 minutes and play it. I think it is such a powerful song and I think if you all stop to listen to the words and the message it will have the same impact on you. i love you all. Enjoy!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hey all Jacquie here back in action! Life has been so completly hectic that I have not been able to do anything! So here goes nothing.
Well Lets start with I no longer live in Greeley. After the break up with Nick it was decided that we are better apart and by apart i mean as ar as possible. It seems that after four years together the connection and the friendship has just disinigrated into the nastiest most educational breakup o my life. Kinda sad but that is how the cookie crumbles. My city, new job, new apartment, new start! So that is what I plan to do, new start!

In the mean time Paul and I are coming up on dating for three months and I am very happy. I am not jumping into it head first as I did have a breakup from hell like 6 months ago. Still he makes me happy and has a way of calming me down! I feel great talking to him and really should that suprise me he was a friend for four years and near the end there one of the best friends I had, my only allie if you will. Anyway I am very happy!
The new area currently is Bailey, dun dun dun. I have discovered over the last year however that I do love the small town atmosphere but it is nice to be closer then an hour from something fun! The plan is to stay here with mom until i get on my feet. I have already found a wonderful job as a nanny for a women that is just so sweet! She has four kids, Heileigh, Kyleigh, Langdley, and Landry. I got to go to the hospital when Landry was not even 24 hours old and he is so sweet! Heileigh is 14 and a sweetheart I think her and I will have fun together, she said she just does not fit in with the cant break a nail with out crying yuppies she lives near so I already like her! Kyleigh is 10 and just like sean, hard headed and sweet but if you say we are going to the pool at noon at 12:01 she will ask why we are not going to the pool=) Then there is Langdley, She is 2 and a mom's girl i found her sound asleep in shelby's lap as shelby held the baby very cute! But she is easy laid back tell me where we are going Im in kind! Then Landry is now umm 4 days old and a sweet baby.

On that they live in Lone Tree so I will be looking for an apartment near c-470 and broadway or I-25 and Lincoln one of the two. I am soooo excited for a new adventure!
As far as school goes I AM DONE with my first year!!!! I finished with a steady 3.8 GPA and I am so excited to say that wait...3.8!!! I will be taking online courses online at AIMS telaeducationing if you will for about a year and then I am looking at either DU or even doing the comute to UNC we will see!!! UCCS is also an option so lots of things to think about but i think that is one of my favorite parts of the new adventure...everything i mean everything is diffrent!
As for recently, I got to spend monday with Sean having a cheer up sean day. One of his friends passed away on saturday so I took him bowling and to the ZOO it was alot of fun and by the end of the day I had found my little brothers smile!
As for Jazmine she is so happy to have a friend to play with and mommy (me mommy) is soo happy to have a tired puppy at night! She is my angel and my baby and she is growing and growing! Now weighing in at 45 pounds she is perfect. I wish she would get bigger but maybe this baby is supposed to be little. Her husky shows more and more everyday and you very rarely get to see the Pyraneese in her. Her eys however have develpoed a one of each type. I read that huskys have hige pupils and pyraneese about normal jazzi has an eye of each! It is very cool! I have also discovered that she can eat chocolate, the vet said if she likes it and it does not make her sick then she can have it and guess what...just like Bruno she seems
ammuned to chocolate. So with Bruno we shared Hersey kisses, one for you one for me with Jazz it is m&m's she LOVES the things! Maybe Bruno did give her to me after all=)
Well I am off to go work on my special project for grandma Anita for mothers day! It is gonna be AMAZING!!!
I will try to keep you all more updated! And have a great rest of your week!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Moving on and being the best Jacquie possible!
So alot has happened in the last two months and most of you know everything but since the break up i have worked on being Jacquie. I have to say that this girl is the shit! I have found that like my mom I love to go dancing and so i try to go every friday or saturday night to this little bar downtown greeley and listen to the live bands and have alot of fun! my school work has improved and I am pulling strait A's right now! My GPA is a solid 4.0 for the first time in my life and everything is going according to plan. I also have to tell everyone I have started dating someone else and that someone is Paul. Yes Paul paul! He is great to me and I am to him and we are friends first and for most but we also have found there was something much deeper then friendship there. Nick is doing okay with it but in the spirt of moving on, i am moving out! it has been decided by myself that it is the best thing for both me and nick and i am so excited about it. I am looking at homes and jazzi and i are preparing and maybe even Paul. he has decided that he is moving out as well for reasons that are private but it has yet to be decided if that will be us moving in togther. to prepare everyone, it probably will be me and him living togther. I dont want to hear I am moving to fast though I am moving at my speed and so is paul. that is that...most of all I am so happy!
Moving on I am also looking into a new job. I am working on getting my substitute teaching license and doing that and also on monday i am getting pinned as a Mary-Kay consoltent. I am a GO TO girl so anyone looking for some incredible stuff let me know and we will get you all sorts of hooked up! The same goes for classes and what is called a booking but really i am gonna give you a free facial so if you are interested in any of that let me know!
Anyway I also am working on a side project for a local buissness up here and loving doing that! It is this adorable little place with YUMMMMMMY food and they just have a great enviroment and so i am doing some advertising work for it. I think it will help them out alot. But i just got back from bowling and I am actually off to a meeting with them so I will wrap this up sorry it has been so long since I have written. I have to go though and will try to keep you more updated!
Moving on I am also looking into a new job. I am working on getting my substitute teaching license and doing that and also on monday i am getting pinned as a Mary-Kay consoltent. I am a GO TO girl so anyone looking for some incredible stuff let me know and we will get you all sorts of hooked up! The same goes for classes and what is called a booking but really i am gonna give you a free facial so if you are interested in any of that let me know!
Anyway I also am working on a side project for a local buissness up here and loving doing that! It is this adorable little place with YUMMMMMMY food and they just have a great enviroment and so i am doing some advertising work for it. I think it will help them out alot. But i just got back from bowling and I am actually off to a meeting with them so I will wrap this up sorry it has been so long since I have written. I have to go though and will try to keep you more updated!
college life,
me me me,
my wild life,
working girl
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
POST 100!!!!!
So for post 100 I was going to just say the biggest news of all but there has been alot going on so I guess i will tell the three things that happened in my life lately. First of all Big news...Skittlz is going to have babies!!! We found out that she is three weeks prego and i think we are excited! I guess things happen and so Skittlz is gonna have her babies and we are excited for her! she is already pretty round and her nipples are pocking out and if you feel her tummy you can feel the babies already! It is so cool!
On Saturday night Paul and me and Stasia all ventured out to The coolest bar in town. It is called the Island Grill it is in Downtown greeley and it is a place to be. One of my friends from work plays in a band and they are so good and they were playing there on saturday! it was so much fun We danced and danced all night long. We came home at around one and went to bed as I had to work in the morning. But that was okay becasue the night was full of fun! Paul and I have been getting closer and truly enjoying our friendship! I did not realize there was so much there between us but it is a great thing and he is a FANTASTIC person! I think we are going to stay close.
Sunday i had to work but when I got off Paul and i decided to load up into his car and pay a visit to bailey! it was so nice to go there and see everyone! i had not been home in about a month so it was so great to just hang out. The boys and i played Life and paul hung out getting to know the boys better we watched a movie and then he headed over to see his family. monday i got up and went to school with Joh! What better way to spend time with my little brother. i volenteered and helped and even got to teach two classes for his teacher! in the end we rode the bus home togther as Paul had his car and sissy didnt have hers with her. it was okay though we walked home and spent time togther before sissy headed to HIYA with mommy and the boys! I love watching them but i am a litle scared of how bad they could hurt me lol. Anyways That is it On monday night Paul and I packed up and headed back to Greeley and now i am going to go swimming with my girls before heading out to work at 5:30! Ahhh i love being in college and being young and guess what....HAVING FUN!!!
me me me,
my wild life,
new me,
interview one
Okay so not much to report but yesterday I went to AIMS at 5:30 for my half hour interview one with the people from DC. I met with Dr. Taylor, Dr. Swant and Dr. Blane. All three of them were very nice and told me that they were excited to meet me and asked me to tell them about myself. I did and they talked and we discussed what i wanted from my schooling and all that kind of stuff and that was happy. I spent a half hour talking to them and after that half hour I was cut off because that is what they believed was a good amount of time to make a first impression. So hopefully it went well and that made me smile. So i thought i would share. The picture is simply the outfit I wore to try to look all professional and teacher like!
college life,
me me me,
my wild life,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Jazzi is getting big!
So I thought I would put up my pics of my baby girl as she is growing so much everyday! so i am not going to do many words instead here are the newest pics of my baby! Enjoy Ms. Jazmine Mclovin-Bella Mueller! five months on the 4th and 41 lbs! (yes mom the 4th that is the final date and I am not letting them change it again! I knew she older then three months!)

Sunday, February 15, 2009
So this is short sweet and to the point as I dont want to jinx it or make it more then it is before it is something! My Professor asked to talk with me after class on friday. He said he had news. He had gotten offered a one year teaching position at a university in Washington DC and was asked to bring and intern. This intern would teach the class twice a week and observe and learn three times a week. Five of us were chosen and I AM ONE OF THEM!!! i have to spend the next two months trying my best to impress a whole bunch of people and hopefully in the end I will be the one that gets to go! There is five of us as i said, I am the only girl and i know two of the other guys up for it and they are very good too! Well i will keep you updated but for now just keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
College...the best time of my life!
Well I guess I have not updated in a while but i have been so so busy! Where to start well the girls and I have been having a blast! As part of my new and better jacquie thing I am trying to loose weight so Katy me and Steph Have been working out and swimming and having so much fun! the gym is free to all students so i love to take advantage of that! the other night I got off work right in time to go to the theatures with them and see "he is just not that into you" sooooo cute anyone who is looking for a good movie Go see it! anyway we had a great night! Friday night was big fun too we hung out at the house as the girl and paul all played Clue and Life! Then I spent some fun time on my laptop talking to my new friend. Logan is in my bowling class and a very cool guy!
By monday i was pooped. i got up to go to my classes and did the class thing for the next 2 hrs. then Steph and I decided to have anouther fun day. Katy had driven to Lakewood to go to the dr and would not be back until tuesday. We drove to centera and shopped we bought new ear rings and split a lunch! It was very good. Then we went to the family plex up here and went to the COOLEST pool ever!!!! by 5 we were back at the outdoors mall enjoying the amazing weather! We did have some Gelato SO GOOD then before heading to the movies we went to Macys and just for fun tryed on nice dresses. I was sad at first because macys does not believe in my size but with a little coaxing Steph had me try on a dress one size smaller then i normally wear and guess what!

college life,
new friends,
new me,
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dating 101
So I have to admit this whole dating thing is so weird to me after all it has been a long time since i was on the market. lol So the first thing that had to be done was to clean my room it was a mess. after much hesitation the pictures of nick and i kissing were taken down and replaced with the picture mom took of me and the boys was added to the wall. then the picture of bruno was added to the wall as well. my bed was made and i think i miight hand stitch some pretty drapes for my room. nine loads of laundry later and thanks to nick pizza, the room was done. I am thinking of many ways to add a more jacquie touch to my room. Wow my room i have not had a room of my own for i dont know somewhere around two years. weird huh. Well anyway. Sunday night was fun! i worked and then came home and Paul and i hung out and had a couple cocktails. Enough said lol. seriously no questions just alot of fun between two friends NO not that kind of fun! my team lost on the super bowl sad sad day!!!
anyway it is weird i am not used to the fact that i have to try to look cute every day. I even got up the courage to write my phone number on a bill before dropping it at a table with a lot of cute guys. Unfortunitly i lost my courage befor getting there and reprinted it writing simply "Thank you" -Jacquie lol maybe eventually that courage will come! for now one step at a time and who knows wht is going to happen i certantly do not!
anyway it is weird i am not used to the fact that i have to try to look cute every day. I even got up the courage to write my phone number on a bill before dropping it at a table with a lot of cute guys. Unfortunitly i lost my courage befor getting there and reprinted it writing simply "Thank you" -Jacquie lol maybe eventually that courage will come! for now one step at a time and who knows wht is going to happen i certantly do not!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
So after a week of calm down time Nick and I have rediscovered our friendship! I never ever remembered how much i loved his friend side. the batman stuff is so much better when you take the time to sit and watch it and the other things are great too! I have also made anouther new friend her name is me. I refound myself the girl i like she works out and enjoys to cook becasue she is so proud of the end result and cleans up after everything. She is hard working and loves the fast pace life and most of all she loves the people around her. She does not yell (well she trys not to) and she does not kick and scream when she does not get her way. She is just cool as hell! I really like her and I ama so glad we met because it was like i knew her evil twin sister for so long I forgot that her angel side was there. Nick and i have come to terms that what ever happens happens. I want him to just be happy! he is the man I fell in love with again and i relized the other day the reason he stopped being that man was because of me. i hate that this had to happen this way but in my heart i believe we will find our way back to each other. For now we are having fun what normal 18 and 21 yr olds do. We are enjoying being togther and spending time togther but our space and individuality is not being comprimised. i really like that! We are Friends and that is where we started four years ago and now we will have to restart with it four years later! I actually went up to him the other day and said "Hi my name is Jacquie, I think your really cute! want to be friends." He laughed at me and said "Yes i would love that, Im nick!"
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
The list
So last night i had a very smart women tell me i was falling apart a little so i made a list... all the things i like about myself or dislike or love. the things i want to learn and goals for everyday. and u know what it is already working. Nick helped me cook last night. First we learned Scampi which i could not eat but nick said was superb but then he told me to cook the salmon! Guess what It was incredible!!! I did something right!!! then i woke up this morning and got out to the garage and nick taught me how o hit a punching bag and then we went for a jog type thing. we only have one working bike but i rode and nick jogged next to me and we laughed the whole time. He refused to power walk he say it made him look "heeey" lol anyway tonight i am going to cook a dinner all on my own so that when everyone gets home from work dinner is ready!! The list includes things like look in the mirror so long that i say i am pretty and believe it and talk to nick everynight until we fall asleep and thngs like that. and no we are not togther yet i have to find jacquie first and i never relized i did notknow her! i think i may end up liking her! weird huh
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
because you all need to know
i am going to make this quick as it is hard as hell to talk about and i am only posting it so i dont have to answer all the questions and everyone knows. Last night (monday) nick and I broke up. i am not putting reason in it for anyone that is between myself and nick and We are really trying to make the friendship work. I am in severe pain as is nick i am sure but for now this is the best for us both! there is hope in my head that says after enough time apart we will no doubt be back together. I love him with all of my heart and soul and always will but for now I am talking my mom and Daddys advice and being friends first...somewhere along the long time we have been together it seems to have become minimal. I would really apreciate no questions and as i said before nick has become a part of all of our family please noone be upset at him or me for any of this. Things will work out for the best. I just thought you all deserved to know this! I a going to sign off for a while to give myself time to find somethng worth writing about! I am working on being fine so please noone worry! Love you all and now you all know!
love you
love you
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sarah's Birthday
So monday morning i woke up early and headed to the first day of school! I really enjoy my new classes and I look forward to keeping them up for the next what I guess 16 weeks! Anyway that is not what the entry is about. At 5:00 Katy and Steph came over to do my hair and it looked AMAZING!! with my new hair cut it is easy for the strait look to become well strait. Anyway We got ready and way cute and then headed to the Olive Garden to meet like 20 other people to celebrate Sarah's 20th birthday with her! It was a blast. The night was full of laughing and fun and most of all freindship! Happy Birthday Sarah i love you!
Friday, January 9, 2009
So it is friday night and nick and i wanted to go and do something fun. So after we all went shopping at the loveland outlets we made a plan. the plan was to drive to wyoming just because we wanted to. So me and nick all pilled into the car and we drove to wyoming. As we crossed the border nick honked the horn for good luck and then we drove to the govenors house and to the wyoming capital and to this really pretty church. Finally we pointed the car back to evans and when we got to the state line i had nick pull over and take a picture not just any picture but me and jazzi being in two places at once! half of us was in wyoming and half of us was in Colorado. I know it sounds lame but it was a blast!! so here is to an awsome Friday night!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Visiting Bruno
So on Friday i had the day off and i went to meet our landlord with rent and so jazmine and I decided today would be a great day to go and visit her brother at the place where his ashes were spred. We drove to fort collins and pulled into this beautiful place where there is a lake and a big spot of land at least three acres in size. I asked where they had put him and the lady informed me that they take all the ashes and lay them from side to side to side of the land and that is how they spred them. She laughed and said he was the saint right? i said yes why. She began laughing and said "he was so beautiful. I remember him, when we spred we normally dont get past one acre before all the ashes are spred, but with your baby we got almost the whole place!" She laughed and left me and Jazzi to visit. i thought how perfect. Bruno was not meant to be only in one place now he has the roam of all this land. We took some pictures and before we left i went to the part of the property that the lady had told me was put aside for cremated animals. She said if you have anything you want to leave you are more then welcome to put it here. I did not have any of his things so instead I pulled out two Hershey Kisses i ate one and placed the other in the ground. "One for you and one for me" i told him as a tear slid down my cheek. it was the perfect!
new years videos
Here are a couple of videos from new years. Nick was slightly intoxicated so please ignore his lanuage on the last video it is brief. The first video is of the men playing beer pong. Paul and Nick vs. Drew and Hongyee. Listen closly and watch the ball it will make you laugh. The second is Nicks Happy dance and it is soooo funny but again please dont mind his brief crude language it was soo funny not to share because of one word.
Drew lost his ego because of that game. it was sooo funny!
nick is so funny with his happy dance he does it when he gets a good tip but tonight he did it because it was funny and he beat drew and hongyee at beer pong!
Drew lost his ego because of that game. it was sooo funny!
nick is so funny with his happy dance he does it when he gets a good tip but tonight he did it because it was funny and he beat drew and hongyee at beer pong!
Christmas with the other family
So on Monday night nick and i drove down to thorton to Visit with his grandparents and spend some time with them for christmas. We left the boys at the house and told them we would be back eventually. We got to the house at around 6:30 and we sat and exchanged gifts and talked for a long time and it was so nice. We bought Nicks grandmother a beautiful cross pendent and chain from pop and his grandpa a really nice necklace with a saint charm on it. They gave nick some money and i got my amazing chocolates! it was so nice to see them we turned in the night early but we still got to see them and it was just wonderful to sit around and talk and catch up with them for a little while.
Jazzi and Skittlz
So the babies have finally achevied a friendship. So to speak. Jazzi chases Skittlz and skittlz gets mad but then at night when they are both worn down then the two are the best of friends. just only when noone is looking. I woke up to find then snuggled on the floor Jazzi with Skittlz laying in her tummy. So I thought that this would make you all laugh it is the video of the two playing.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hello all happy new year! welcome to 2009! this is the first post of the year and it is so cool to say that! Um so last night we went to our friend tabis house for a cocktail party to ring in the new year and it was so much fun! We got there at around 10:30 me dressed in my black dress and my hair done so amazingly!!! I did it to myself!!! We got there and i sat down to play pocker nick went out to the deck to play beer pong and it was so much fun just snapping pictures and having a blast! Before we knew it we all ran downstairs to watch the ball drop we yelled happy new year and went back upstairs to hang out and play some more games and it was just a great night! We headed home at like 2:30 and passed out! So yeah not really much to say but enjoy the pictures!! All of them are on my myspace so if you are one of my friends on there then check em out!!!
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